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Intro; Series Preface; Volume PrefaceNovember 2018Jena, Germany; Contents; List of Contributors; Fungal Cell Growth; The Woronin Body: A Fungal Organelle Regulating Multicellularity; I. Multicellularity of Filamentous Fungi; II. The Woronin Body, an Organelle Specific to Pezizomycotina; III. Molecular Basis of Woronin Body Structure; IV. Woronin Body Biogenesis from Peroxisomes; V. Septal Tethering of the Woronin body; VI. Proteins Associated with the Woronin Body; VII. Conclusions and Perspectives; References; Septum Formation and Cytokinesis in Ascomycete Fungi; I. Introduction

II. Spatial Cues: Mechanisms Specifying the Position of the Division PlaneA. Positioning the Cell Division Plane in Unicellular Yeasts; B. Septum Placement in Filamentous Ascomycete Fungi; C. Signal Integration by Anillin-Type Landmark Proteins; III. Temporal Cue(s): Coordination of Cell Cycle Progression and Septation Initiation; A. Coordination of Mitotic Exit and Initiation of Septation in Unicellular Yeasts; B. The Septation Initiation Network in the Pezizomycotina Fungi; C. Coordination of Nuclear Behavior and Septum Formation in Pezizomycotina Fungi

IV. Assembly and Regulation of the Contractile Actomyosin Ring (CAR)A. CAR Assembly in Budding and Fission Yeast; B. CAR Assembly in the Pezizomycotina; C. Crosstalk Between the SIN and the MOR Pathways for CAR Regulation; V. Cell Wall Biogenesis and Cell Division; A. Cell Wall Biogenesis; B. Septum Formation and Cell Division During Fungal Development; C. Septal Pore-Associated Functions in Filamentous Ascomycete Fungi; VI. Conclusions and Perspectives; References; The Cytoskeleton and Polarity Markers During Polarized Growth of Filamentous Fungi; I. Introduction; II. The Actin Cytoskeleton

III. SpitzenkörperIV. Septins; V. The Microtubule Cytoskeleton; VI. Cell-End Markers for Polarity Maintenance; VII. Rho GTPase; VIII. Cell-End Markers for Polarity Establishment; IX. Cell-End Markers for Polarity Focusing; X. Transient Polarity Marker Assembly; XI. Oscillatory Fungal Cell Growth; XII. Conclusion; References; Developmental Decisions in Aspergillus nidulans; I. Introduction; II. Developmental Morphology of Aspergillus nidulans; III. Environmental Factors Affecting Developmental Fate in A. nidulans; IV. Developmental Decision for Conidiation

A. Upstream Regulators of ConidiationB. Initiation of Conidiation; C. Progression and Termination of Conidiation; V. Developmental Decisions for Sexual Development; VI. Conclusions; References; Signals and Development; Biomechanics of Hyphal Growth; I. Introduction (Why Hyphal Growth?); II. Physical Description of the Hyphae; A. Biomechanics; B. Turgor Measurements; C. Osmotic Pressure; III. Turgor and Growth; IV. Turgor Regulation; V. Cytoplasmic Movement (Mass Flow); A. Low Reynolds Number Hydrodynamics; B. Effect of Hyphal Pores; VI. Penetration (Invasive Growth); References

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