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Intro; Preface; Contents; 1 Introduction to Scientific Computing Technologies for Global Analysis of Multidimensional Nonlinear Dynamical Systems; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Analysis of Dynamical Systems; 1.2.1 Linear Analysis; 1.2.2 Nonlinear Analysis; 1.2.3 Global Analysis; 1.2.4 Numerical Computing Integration; 1.3 Computer Architectures; 1.3.1 Von Neumann Architecture; 1.3.2 Parallel Architectures Parallelization Classification; 1.3.3 Stream Concurrency Architecture Classification; 1.3.4 Memory Access Level Classification; 1.3.5 Other Architecture Classifications; 1.4 Hardware Components

1.4.1 Central Processing Unit (CPU)1.4.2 Main Memory; 1.4.3 Internal Memory; 1.4.4 Mass Storage Memory; 1.4.5 Data Transfer; 1.4.6 Graphical Processing Unit; 1.4.7 ASIC and FPGA; 1.4.8 Performance of Computer Components; 1.5 Massively Parallel Designs; 1.5.1 Classification of High-Power Computing Platforms; 1.5.2 Clusters and General-Purpose Graphic Cards; 1.5.3 Classification of High-Power Computing Problems; 1.5.4 Classification of High-Power Computing Paradigms; 1.6 Performance of Parallel Designs; 1.6.1 Scalability; 1.6.2 Parallelization Degree; 1.6.3 Parallelization Speed-Up

1.6.4 Efficiency, Utilization and Quality of Parallelism1.6.5 Performance Summary; 1.7 Efficiency Issues of Massively Parallel Designs; 1.7.1 General Issues; 1.7.2 Issues on Shared Memory Systems; 1.7.3 Issues on Distributed Memory Systems; 1.8 Parallel Program Design; 1.8.1 Parallel Program/Algorithm Properties; 1.8.2 Design Methodology; 1.8.3 Design Evaluation; 1.9 Software Solutions; 1.9.1 OpenMP; 1.9.2 Message Passing Interface (MPI); 1.9.3 CUDA and OpenCL; 1.9.4 Other HPC and Scientific Software; 1.10 HPC in Global Analysis; 1.10.1 Numerical Global Analysis Methods

1.10.2 Multi-dimensional and Parallelized Numerical Global Analysis Methods1.10.3 Example of Global Analysis; 1.11 Conclusion; References; 2 Review of Synchronization in Mechanical Systems; 2.1 Introduction; 2.1.1 Complex Systems; 2.1.2 What is Synchronization?; 2.2 Historical Outline; 2.3 Oscillations; 2.4 Models of Synchronization in Machines; 2.4.1 Ring of Coupled Van der Pol Oscillators; 2.4.2 Initial Conditions; 2.4.3 Nonlocal Interactions; 2.4.4 Metronomes; 2.4.5 Beams; 2.5 Analysis of Experimental Data; 2.5.1 Spectral Analysis; 2.5.2 Correlations; 2.5.3 Time-Frequency Maps

2.5.4 Kuramoto Order Parameter2.6 Other Experiments; 2.6.1 Synchronization in a Stationary Rotor Blade; 2.6.2 Synchronization in an Automobile; 2.7 Concluding Remarks; References; 3 Research on Vibration Suppression of Nonlinear Energy Sink Under Dual-Frequency Excitation; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Description of the Dynamic Models; 3.2.1 Dynamic Model of the Main Oscillator System; 3.2.2 Dynamic Model of the System with SDOF NES; 3.2.3 Dynamic Model of the System with SDOF Linear DVA; 3.2.4 Dynamic Model of the System with Two-DOF Serial NES

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