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Intro; Foreword; Contents; Introduction; 1 Overview of the Tectonics and Geodynamics of Costa Rica; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 The Cocos Plate; 2.1 Slab Imaging and Crustal Structure; 3 The Caribbean Plate; 3.1 The Forearc; 3.2 The Arc; 3.3 The Costa Rican Basement; 4 Summary and Ongoing Questions; References; 2 Geochemical and Geochronological Characterisation of the Poas Stratovolcano Stratigraphy; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 The Study Area; 2.1 Regional Setting; 3 Field and Analytical Methods; 3.1 New Formal Description of Poás Formation and Poás Stratigraphy; 4 Results

4.1 Geology and Stratigraphy of Poás Stratovolcano4.1.1 Colima Formation; 4.1.2 Tiribí Formation; 4.1.3 Río Sarapiquí Unit; 4.1.4 La Paz Unit; 4.1.5 Achiote Unit; 4.1.6 Río Cuarto Lavas Unit; 4.1.7 Poasito Member; 4.1.8 Sabana Redonda Member; 4.1.9 Von Frantzius Member; 4.1.10 Congo Member; 4.1.11 Poás Summit Member; 4.1.12 Poás Lapilli Tuff Member; 4.1.13 Bosque Alegre Member; 4.1.14 Laguna Kopper Member; 4.1.15 Recent Deposits; 5 Geologic History of Poás Volcano; 6 Poás Volcano Geochemistry; 6.1 Geochemical Evolution of Poás Volcano; 7 Discussion and Summary; Acknowledgements; References

3 The Extraordinary Sulfur Volcanism of Poás from 1828 to 2018Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Poás Volcano; 3 Physical-Chemical Properties of Sulfur; 4 Sulfur Volcanism Recognized Since the Early 1900s; 4.1 Sulfur Spherules and "Sweat" Testify Sub-lacustrine Sulfur Pools; 4.2 Sub-aerial Sulfur Pools and Eruptive Products of Sulfur Volcanism; 5 Sulfur Volcanism at Poás; 5.1 The 1987-1990 Laguna Caliente Dry-Out; 5.2 Rise and Demise of the Fumarola Naranja (2000-2009); 5.3 Tracking Unrest Using Sulfur Spherules (2000-2018); 6 Poás Compared with Other Volcanoes; 7 Summary; References

Scientific Event Alert Network and Bulletin of the Global Volcanism NetworkRed Sismológica Nacional; 4 Coseismic Landslide Susceptibility Analysis Using LiDAR Data PGA Attenuation and GIS: The Case of Poás Volcano, Costa Rica, Central America; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Study Area; 1.2 Tectonic Setting of Costa Rica and the Poás Volcano Area; 1.3 Historical Coseismic Landslides in Costa Rica and Around Poás Volcano; 1.4 The Cinchona Earthquake and Its Impact; 1.5 Geology and Geomorphology Setting of the Affected Region; 1.5.1 Platanar Volcano; 1.5.2 Barva Volcano; 1.5.3 Poás Volcano

1.6 Orographic Regions and Climatic Conditions Around Poás Volcano1.7 Land Cover and Soil Type; 2 Methodology; 2 Methodology; 2.2 Coseismic Landslide Susceptibility Model; 2.3 Evaluation of the Methodology; 3 Data and Results; 3.1 Post-Cinchona Earthquake Landslide Inventory; 3.1.1 Landslide Distribution by Orographic Regions (Caribbean-Pacific); 3.1.2 Landslide Distribution by Type of Land Cover; 3.1.3 Landslide Distribution by Volcanic Edifice; 3.1.4 Landslide Distribution by Volcanic Unit; 3.1.5 Landslide Distribution by Volcanic Temporal Phase Units (Paleo-Neo)

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