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Part I. Factors and conditions of sustainable development of modern socio-economic systems. Challenges of corporate risk management after the global financial crisis
"Hexagon" of property
Have the lessons about crisis processes in the Russian economy been learned?
Modeling the spatial organization of the higher education system in the regional economy
Modern issues of development of the customs and logistics infrastructure of the international north-south transport corridor
Prospects for the functioning of the new customs code of the eurasian economic union
World economy, economic science, and economic policy: what comes after the crisis
Part II. Problems and development prospects of innovation-oriented economy. Assessed probability of risks in dependence on innovative project description
Ecology, innovation, and quality of life: ab ovo usque ad mala
Empirical indicators of innovative readiness of the population: experience of the application of the Bogardus scale
Innovation and investment activities in businesses as a determining factor of development of the Russian federation
Readiness to changes as one entrepreneurial value of the innovation-oriented economy
Part III. Prospects for the digitalization of the economy. Comparison of neural networks and regression time series when estimating the copper price development
Evolution of the venture investment market in the information economy of Russia
Influence of information technologies on production efficiency: estimation on the basis of algorithms for machine learning
Logistics 4.0
Transformation of household consumption in the conditions of transition to the information economy
Using artificial intelligence in analyzing and predicting the development of stock prices of a subject company
Part IV. Specific features of the modern labor market development. Analysis of European approaches to improving the life of the population through the implementation of a mechanism of independent assessment of qualifications
Differentiation of regional labor markets: new risks and opportunities for smoothing
Sectoral framework of qualifications as a tool for the integration of educational and business spheres of Russia
Part V. Sectoral aspects of sustainable economic development. Analysis of the precious metals market in Russia as a component of the global financial market in modern conditions
Assessing the financial health of companies engaged in mining and extraction using methods of complex evaluation of enterprises
Effective development mechanism of companies in the communal services sector in modern conditions
Investment development of enterprises of industrial clusters
Monitoring the financial security of the economic subject on the basis of financial risk assessment
Organizational and economic problems of systemic modernization of enterprises of the machine-building complex
Development problems of the north caucasus recreational and tourist cluster in Russia
Technological and economic justification of development tendencies of the Russian petroleum refining industry.

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