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Intro; Preface; How This Book Emerged; The Content; Contents; Part I: Introduction; Inclusive Mathematics Education: An Introduction; References; Inclusive Mathematics Education in Brazil; The Inclusion Movement; Legislation on Inclusion; Research on Inclusion; Conclusions; References; Inclusive Education in German Schools; Political Regulations; Statistical Monitoring; Empirical Effectiveness Research; Innovative (School) Practices; Teacher Education; Research on Inclusive Mathematics Education; Conclusions; References; Part II: Problematising Inclusive Mathematics Education

School Inclusion: Considerations About the Education Process of Teachers Who Teach MathematicsIntroduction; Initial Considerations; The Education Process of the Teacher Who Teaches Mathematics and the Daily Challenges Regarding School Inclusion; Education Process and the Role of Special Education Teachers for the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics; Final Considerations; References; Who Can Learn Mathematics?; Introduction; What Mara Can and Cannot Do; First Quote; Second Quote; Third Quote; Fourth Quote; Fifth Quote; Deficiencialism; Some Analyses on the Case of Mara; Remarks; References

Microexclusion in Inclusive Mathematics EducationIntroduction; Microexclusions; Macroinclusions Might Lead to Microexclusions; Two Examples of Macroinclusions; Cases of Microexclusions; The Case of Carina; The Case of Mara; The Case of Carlos; The Case of David and Matheus; The Case of Lucas; The Case of Ricardo; Types of Microexclusions; Back to the Thesis; References; Inclusions, Meetings and Landscapes; Introduction; Inclusion into What?; What About Mathematics Education?; Normality?; Meetings Amongst Differences; Inclusive Mathematics Education; References

Part III: Arranging Inclusive Mathematics EducationLearning Environments in Inclusive Mathematics Classrooms: Design Principles, Learning Processes and Conditions of Success; Theoretical Background (2000); Current State of Research on Inclusive Mathematics Teaching and Learning in Germany; Dealing with Heterogeneity: Natural Differentiation and Substantial Learning Environments; Adaptation of the Concept of Learning Environments for Inclusive Mathematics Education; The Research Project 'Learning Environments in Inclusive Mathematics Education'; Aims and Objectives; Methodological Framework

Data Collection and SamplingLearning Environments and Underlying Design Principles; Data Analysis; Step 1: Analysis of Learning Processes; Step 2: Identification of Conditions for Success; Step 3: Identification of Relationships Between Design Principles and Subject-Specific Individual Learning; Selected Findings; Analysis of Learning Processes and Conditions of Success; Situation 1: Lea's and Anna's Learning Processes; Analysis of Lea's and Anna's Learning Processes; Situation 2: Paul's and Leo's Learning Processes; Analysis of Paul's and Leo's Learning Processes

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