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Intro; Preface; Aggregating; Universality; Agroecology Explained; Economic Goals; Agroecology Expanded; Theory; Vocabulary; Rules/Guidelines; Scope; Contents; Chapter 1: Introduction; Definitions; Comparisons; Agriculture and Agroecology; Ecology and Agroecology; Early Agroecology; The Old (Reigning) Paradigm; Mono-Cropping; Advantages; Disadvantages; Weather; Water; Environmental Issues; Genetic Modification; Consumptive; Economic Forces; Logical Progression; Super Plants; Factory Farming; The New Paradigm; References; Chapter 2: Agroecosystem Design; Topic Prerequisites

The Agroecosystem DefinedSimple Agroecosystems; Essential Resources; Base Analysis; Sigmoidal Functions; The Core Elements; Species; Complementarity; Competition; Facilitation; Spacings; Density; Planting Ratios; Spatial Patterns; Timing; Sequencing (Rotations); Evaluation; Economic Measures; Relative Value Total; Cost Equivalent Ratio; Economic Orientation; Revenue Orientation; Cost Orientation; Overview; Profitability; Other Objectives; References; Chapter 3: The Agroecological Matrix; Agroecology Redefined; Cropping Threats; Soil Fertility; Rainfall (Too High or Too Low); Insects

Status MaintenanceOutbreaks; Weeds; Pathogens; Pollination; Temperature (Again, the Extremes); Wind; Small Animals (Birds, Mice, etc.); Large Animals (Deer, Elephants, etc.); Threat Counters (Eco-Services); Single-Purpose Counters; Multipurpose Counters; The Counters Listed; The Counters Described; Productive/Facilitative Biodiversity; Genetic/Varietal; Rotations; Fallows; Fire; Landscape; Location; Land Modifications; Farm Practice; Bio-Structures; Ex-Plot Inputs; Environmental Setting; Permanent and Introduced Counters; The Agroecological Matrix; Matrix Manifestations; Expansion

Matrix-Based AnalysisMatrix (Cell) Elements; As an Analytical Tool; An Applied Example; The Problem Explained; The Solution; Future Directions; Agroecological Intensity; Economic Implications; References; Chapter 4: Agrotechnologies; Agroecology Redefined; Agrotechnologies; Classification; Simple and Complex Agroecosystems; Agrotechnological Components; Economic Underpinnings; The Non-Harvest Option; The Complete Package; Other Parameters; Improvement (Facilitative) Agrotechnologies; Bio-Structures; Land Modifications; Purpose Reclassified; Infiltration; Stream Improvements; Flood Control

Other Facilitative AgrotechnologiesMonocultures; Multi-Varietal; Uneven Aged; References; Chapter 5: Productive Intercropping; Rules/Guidelines for Productive Intercropping; General Rules; Belowground Rules; Rules for Shade Systems; Provisos; Associated Agrotechnologies; Productive (Seasonal) Intercropping; Simple Mixes; Strip Cropping; Boundary/Barrier; Productive Agroforestry; Alley Cropping (Tree Row); Agroforestry Intercropping (or Orchards with Understory); Shade Systems (Light); Tree-Over-Crop Systems; Taungyas; Multi-Species Forest Plantations; Supplementary Additions; References

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