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Intro; Foreword; Preface; Contents; List of Figures; 1 Introduction: Mainstream Psychology's Worrisome Incorrigibility; Some Orienting Historical Context; The General and the Aggregate; A "Troublesome Paradox"; The Blurring of a Crucial Distinction; Psychology's Struggle for Existence; On Wundt's (1913) Prescience; Whither Psychology?; References; 2 Challenging the Canon: The Critique and Its Aftermath in Autobiographical Perspective; Eureka!; Facing Students' Vexing Questions; An Empirical Illustration of a Conceptual Problem; From the Lecture Hall to the Professional Literature

Reception of the Critique Within the MainstreamInsufficient Reflection Within the Mainstream on the Logic of Basic Statistical Concepts and Methods; Insufficiently Careful Readings of the Critique's Assertions; Conclusion; References; 3 The Entrenchment of Statistical Thinking in Early Twentieth Century Differential Psychology; William Stern and the Establishment of Differential Psychology; Developments in Stern's Vision of Differential Psychology's Mission; Stern's View in 1900; Stern's View in 1911; Differential Psychology Diverges from Stern

E. L. Thorndike's Perspective on the Study of IndividualitiesHugo Münsterberg on the Practical Use of Statistical Knowledge in Psychotechnics; Consequent Developments; Countering an Origin Myth: William Stern as Critic of Differential Psychology; The Stuff of the Origin Myth; A Fuller View; A Concluding Observation; References; 4 The Failure of Critical Thinking in the Statistization of Experimental Psychology; Experimental Psychology's Two Disciplines; The Two Disciplines of Experimental Psychology Briefly Described; The Historic Failure of Critical Reflection

The Implicit Epistemic Commitments of Treatment Group Psychological ExperimentationAn Illustrative Hypothetical Experiment; The Boundless Largesse of Ceteris Paribus; Concluding Comment; References; 5 Statistical Thinking in Psychology: Some Needed Critical Perspective on What 'Everyone Knows'; An Illustration of the Opacity of Aggregate Statistics with Respect to Individual-Level Phenomena: The Case of Inter-trait Correlations; Looking More Closely; A Cautionary Note; The Statistical Conception of Prediction and Explanation in Contemporary Mainstream Psychology

The Inadequacy of Appeals to Probabilistic ThinkingSome Additional Perspective; Probability on a Subjectivist Understanding; References; 6 Statisticism in Psychology as a Socio-ethical Problem; Specific Examples of Problematic Practices; Advocacy of Randomized Controlled Trials as the 'Gold Standard' for Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology; Socio-ethical Implications; The Use of Psychological Tests as Instruments of Preemployment Screening; Broader Socio-cultural Considerations; References; 7 In Quest of Meaningful Change

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