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Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Figures; Chapter 1 Introduction; 1.1 Foundations; 1.2 Forging a New Interpretation: Evidence from Dials; 1.3 Forging a New Interpretation: Evidence from the Archives; 1.4 Forging a New Interpretation: Clock and Watch Users; 1.5 Capturing a New Interpretation; Chapter 2 Communication Methods; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Pathways for the Eye; 2.2.1 Visual Contrast; 2.2.2 The Circular Method; 2.3 Knowledge Hierarchy; 2.4 Knowledge Transmission; 2.4.1 Indication; 2.4.2 Symbol Recognition; 2.5 Conclusion; Chapter 3 Trust and Distrust

3.1 Introduction3.2 Hour Schemes; 3.3 Quarters and Minutes; 3.4 Sundials and Mechanical Timepieces; 3.5 Imitation of Precision; 3.6 Conclusion; Chapter 4 Tools of Enablement; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 'Reading' the Time by Touch; 4.2.1 Perceptions of Sight and Touch; 4.2.2 The Influence of Spectacles; 4.3 Finding the Time at Night; 4.3.1 Domestic Lighting; 4.3.2 Two Periods of Sleep; 4.3.3 A Symbolic Tool; 4.3.4 A Devotional Tool; 4.4 Conclusion; Chapter 5 Calendrical Insight; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Astrological and Mnemonic Use; 5.2.1 Period of the Day; 5.2.2 Planetary Days

5.2.3 Zodiac and Civil Months5.2.4 Calendrical Combinations; 5.3 Beyond the Decline of Astrology; 5.3.1 Religious Observance; 5.3.2 Financial Use; 5.4 Calendar Reform; 5.5 The Influence of Precision; 5.6 Conclusion; Chapter 6 Lunar Wisdom; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Picturing the Changing Lunar Phase; 6.3 Astrological and Mnemonic Use; 6.3.1 Weather Prediction; 6.3.2 Health Matters; 6.3.3 Farming; 6.4 Illuminating the Night; 6.5 Tidal Reckoning; 6.6 Conclusion; Chapter 7 Astronomical Knowledge; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Astrological and Mnemonic Use; 7.2.1 Signs of the Zodiac

7.2.2 The Decline of the Astrolabe7.2.3 A Mnemonic Role Beyond Astrology; 7.3 Pedagogical Use; 7.3.1 Samuel Watson; 7.3.2 Henry Bridges and Edward Davies; 7.3.3 John Naylor; 7.3.4 Henry Jenkins; 7.3.5 Clock-Maker Authors; 7.4 Conclusion; Chapter 8 Conclusion; 8.1 Fluid Boundary Between Media; 8.2 Astrology and Memory; 8.3 Knowledge Transmission; 8.4 Emotional Influences; 8.5 Epilogue; Further Reading; Index

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