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Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; About the Author; Chapter 1 Introduction; 1.1 Wundt and the Rise of Scientific Psychology; 1.2 The Historiography of Wundtism; 1.3 Mach and Avenarius in the History of Philosophy; 1.4 The Aim of the Book; References; Chapter 2 Richard Avenarius; 2.1 Avenarius' Relationship with Wundt; 2.2 The Critique of Introjection; 2.3 Object and Purpose of Psychology; 2.4 Mach and Avenarius; 2.5 Psychophysical Parallelism; References; Chapter 3 Wilhelm Wundt and the Crisis in the Relationship with Avenarius; 3.1 The "Ideal-Realistic" Approach

3.2 Physical and Psychical Causality3.3 Physiology and Psychology; 3.4 Psychology and the Spiritual Sciences; 3.5 The Break with Avenarius; References; Chapter 4 The Spread of the New Definition of Psychology; 4.1 The Repudiation of Wundt: Oswald Külpe's Grundriss; 4.2 A Philosophical Deepening: Hugo Münsterberg; 4.3 The Circle Widens: Ebbinghaus and Ward; 4.4 A Synthesis: E. B. Titchener (with a Digression on William James); References; Chapter 5 Wundt's Reaction; 5.1 The Appropriation of the Definition of Psychology by Point of View

5.2 Two Interpretations of Psychophysical Parallelism5.3 Against the Materialistic Definition of Psychology; 5.4 The Final Charge Against Avenarius; 5.5 Closing Remarks; References; Index

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