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Intro; Table of Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Introduction; Chapter 1: Getting Started; HockeyApp; Xamarin; Understanding DevOps; What Is App Center?; Why Is App Center the Solution?; Pricing; Market Share; Account Signups; Visual Studio App Center; Azure DevOps (Visual Studio Team Services); Azure; Apple Developer; Giphy; Software Installations; Git; NodeJS; Visual Studio; Xcode; Visual Studio for Mac; Android Studio; GitHub Sample Project; Getting the Sample App; Importing the Sample App into Azure DevOps (VSTS); Getting the App Ready

The Technologies Used in the Sample AppFreshMvvm; Xamarin Essentials; FFImageLoading; SQLite; Tips, Tricks, and Links; Summary; Roadmap; Chapter 2: Creating Builds; Setting Up Your Organization; Adding Collaborators; Creating Your Teams; Setting Up Your Solution Configuration Mappings; Setting Up More Branches on Azure DevOps; Setting Up Your App to Run Locally; Creating Your iOS Build; Connecting Your GitHub Project; Connecting Your VSTS Project; Revoking App Center Privileges from VSTS; Setting Up Your iOS Build; Setting Up Your Android Build; Integrating App Center from GitHub

Foundation.MonoTouchException: Objective-C Exception Thrown. Name: NSInternalInconsistencyException Reason: -[UISearchBar sizeThatFits:] Does Not Support Passing Non-Finite Values The "DebugType" Parameter Is Not Supported by the "XamlCTask" Task; Summary; Chapter 3: Setting Up Distribution; Creating Distribution Groups; Creating Your iOS App ID; Registering Your Apple Device; Creating a Certificate Signing Request; Creating a Developer Certificate; Creating an iOS Provisioning Profile; Creating an Android Keystore; Registering Devices in App Center

Configuring iOS Build for DistributionConfiguring the Android Build for Distribution; Troubleshooting Distribution Issues; Setting Up the QA Branch for Build Scripts; Setting Variables from App Center; Ignoring Git Tracked Files; Working with App Center Variables; Setting Up Post-Build Scripts; Setting Up Your Post-Clone Build Script; Summary; Chapter 4: Reporting Analytics and Crashes; Covering the Basics; Adding the App Center SDK for Crashes and Analytics; Adding Custom Events; Simulating a Test Crash; Handling Crashes; Using the HasCrashedInLastSessionAsync Value

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