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Intro; Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; Contributors; About the Editors; Chapter 1: The Immune System as a Sensor and Regulator of Stress: Implications in Human Development and Disease; 1.1 Perceptions and Old Friends; 1.2 Emergence of the Field of Psychoneuroimmunology; 1.3 Stress-Induced Epigenetic Effects on the Immune System; 1.4 Stress, the Immune System, and Mental Illness; 1.5 Conclusion; 1.5.1 Future Directions; 1.5.2 Implications for Resilience; References; Chapter 2: The Psychobiology of Family Dynamics: Bidirectional Relationships with Adrenocortical Attunement; 2.1 Attunement

2.2 Nature of Close Relationships and the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis2.3 Early Experiences and HPA Functioning; 2.3.1 Influence of Maternal Behavior; 2.3.2 Influence of Paternal Behavior; 2.4 Adrenocortical Attunement and Developmental Outcomes; 2.5 Sex Differences; 2.6 Individual Differences; 2.7 Conclusions, Implications, and Future Directions; References; Chapter 3: The Heart of Conversation: Using State Space Grids to Disentangle Cardiovascular and Affect Dynamics During Couple Interaction; 3.1 Theoretical Framework: Attachment Theory

3.2 Innovative Method: GridWare and the State Space Grid3.3 Methods; 3.3.1 Participants; 3.3.2 Procedures; 3.3.3 Measures; Attachment; Relationship Satisfaction; Affect; Cardiovascular Activity; 3.4 Analysis; 3.5 Results; 3.5.1 Evidence of Relational Synchrony; 3.5.2 Evidence of Effects of Individual Factors Affecting Relational Behavior; 3.6 Discussion; 3.6.1 Implications for Practice and Policy; 3.6.2 Implications for Family Resilience; 3.6.3 Future Research; 3.6.4 Limitations; References

Chapter 4: Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty: How Low Socioeconomic Status Impacts the Neurobiology of Two Generations4.1 Poverty and Children; 4.1.1 Impact of Poverty on Childhood Brain; 4.1.2 Impacts of Poverty on Childhood Physiological Stress Regulation; 4.2 Poverty and Parenting; 4.2.1 Impacts of Poverty on Neurobiological Mechanisms of Parenting; 4.3 Implications; 4.3.1 Implications for Understanding Family Resilience; 4.3.2 Implications for Practice and Policy; 4.4 Conclusion and Future Directions; References; Glossary

Chapter 5: The Influence of Teacher-Child Relationships on Preschool Children's Cortisol Levels5.1 Child Care Quality and Child Outcomes; 5.2 The HPA Axis in Early Childhood; 5.2.1 Relationships Shape the Developing HPA Axis; 5.2.2 Children's Cortisol in Early Care and Education Settings; 5.2.3 Classroom Relational Quality and Children's Cortisol; 5.2.4 Teacher-Child Relationships and Children's Cortisol; Banking Time; 5.3 Implications; 5.3.1 Implications for Practice and/or Policy; 5.3.2 Implications for Understanding Family Resilience; 5.4 Conclusion and Future Directions

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