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Preface / By E. Rozanne Elder
Introduction / By Hugh Feiss, OSB
I. Foundations
I. The Rule of Saint Benedict: selected chapters / introduction and translation by Terrence G. Kardong, OSB
2. Gregory the Great: The Life of Benedict (Dialogues, Book II) [Selections] / introduction and translation by Hugh Feiss, OSB
II. The Benedictine Centuries
3. The Venerable Bede: The Life of the Holy Abbots of the Monastery in Wearmouth and Jarrow: Benedict, Ceolfrid, Eosterwine, Sigfrid, and Hwaetbert [Selections] / introduction and translation by Ronald E. Pepin
4. Benedict of Aniane: Concordia regularum and Supplement of Aniane [Selections] / introduction and translation by Colleen Maura McGrane, OSB
5. Supplex libellus / introduction and translation by Michael T. Martin
6. The Book of Nunnaminster [Selections] / introduction and translation by Marie Schilling Grogan
7. Hildemar of Corbie: commentary on the Rule of Saint Benedict [Selections] / introduction by Terrence G. Kardong, OSB ; translation by Albrecht Diem and members of the Hildemar project
8. Walafrid Strabo: Hortulus: On the Cultivation of Gardens [Selections] / introduction and translation by Ronald E. Pepin
9. Servatus Lupus of Ferrières: selected letters / introduction and translation by Ronald E. Pepin
10. Haimo of Auxerre: Commentary on the Song of Songs [Selections] / introduction and translation by Michael T. Martin
11. Abbo of Fleury: The Martyrdom of Saint Edmund / introduction and translation by Hugh Feiss, OSB
III. The Long Twelfth Century (1050-1215)
12. Rudolph of La Chaise-Dieu: The life of Saint Adelelm [Selections] / Introduction and translation by Hugh Feiss, OSB
13. John of Fécamp: The Theological Confession and Poem on the Last Thing / introduction and translation by Hugh Feiss, OSB
14. Quid Deceat Monachum: a versified ideal of monastic life / introduction and translation by Ronald E. Pepin
15. Benedictine monasticism and the development of the art of stained glass / introduction by María Pilar Alonso Abad ; translation by Hugh Feiss, OSB
16. Abelard I: O Quanta Qualia; Planctus; and Confessio fidei ad Heloissam / introduction and translation by Ronald E. Pepin
Abelard II: Prayers for the gifts of the Holy Spirit and a letter containing two prayers for himself / introduction and translation by Hugh Feiss, OSB
17. The Life of Christina of Markyate [Selections] / introduction and translation by Ellen E. Martin
18. The Chronicle of Petershausen [Selections] / introduction by Hugh Feiss, OSB, and Ronald E. Pepin ; translation by Ronald E. Pepin
19. Julian of Vézelay: prologue and Sermon 16 [On the Works of Mercy] / introduction and translation by Hugh Feiss, OSB
20. Robert of Torigni: Treatise on the Change on the Monastic Order (1156) [Selections] / introduction and translation by Hugh Feiss, OSB
21. Hildegard of Bingen [Selections] / Introduction and translation by Hugh Feiss, OSB
22. Peter of Celle: The Book of Breads [Selections] / introduction and translation by Hugh Feiss, OSB
23. Nigel of Canterbury: Speculum Stultorum [Selections] / introduction and translation by Ronald E. Pepin
24. Adam of Eynsham: The Vision of a Monk of Eynsham [Selections] / introduction and translation by Ronald E. Pepin
25. Gonzalo de Berceo: The Life of Saint Dominic of Silos / introduction and translation by Carmen Wyatt-Hayes
IV. Later Middle Ages (1215-1550) 26. Raymond Féraud: the life of Saint Honoratus [Selections] / introduction and translation by Christopher Callahan
27. Pope Benedict XII (1334-1342): Decree Summi magistri dignatio for the Black Monks [Selections] / introduction by Hugh Feiss, OSB ; translation by Ronald E. Pepin
28. Ranulph Higden: The Mirror for Curates [Selections] / introduction by Margaret Jennings
29. Melk reforms of the first half of the fifteenth century [Selections] / introduction by Hugh Feiss, OSB ; translation by Ronald E. Pepin
30. John Lydgate [Selections] / introduction and translation by Ellen Martin
31. John Trithemius: Sermon on the True Humility of Monks / introduction and translation by Ronald E. Pepin
32. Louis de Blois: Statuta Monastica [Selections] / introduction by Hugh Feiss, OSB, and Ronald E. Pepin ; translation by Ronald E. Pepin.

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