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Table of Contents
Introduction. The politics of media and memory representation in Japan / Blai Guarne, Artur Lozano-Mendez, Dolores P. Martinez
The death of certainty : memory, guilt and redemption in Ikiru / Dolores P. Martinez
Postwar narratives and the avant-garde documentary : Tokyo 1958 and Furyo Shonen / Marcos Centeno Martin
Radical subjectivity as a counter to Japanese humanist cinema : Oshima Nagisa's Nuberu bagu / Ferran de Vargas
Recreating memory? : the drama Watashi wa kai ni naritai and its remakes / Griseldis Kirsch
From myth to cult : tragic heroes, parody and gender politics in the 1960s-1970s 'bad girls' cinema of Japan / Laura Treglia
Collective remorse for the past : Japanese film and TV representations of the 1960s student movement / Katsuyuki Hidaka
Depicting the persistence of being postwar : Eden of the East / Artur Lozano-Mende
Rethinking anime in East Asia : creative labour in transnational production, or, what gets lost in translation / Tomohiro Morisawa
Conclusion. The persistence of trauma / Dolores P. Martinez, Blai Guarne and Artur Lozano-Mendez.
The death of certainty : memory, guilt and redemption in Ikiru / Dolores P. Martinez
Postwar narratives and the avant-garde documentary : Tokyo 1958 and Furyo Shonen / Marcos Centeno Martin
Radical subjectivity as a counter to Japanese humanist cinema : Oshima Nagisa's Nuberu bagu / Ferran de Vargas
Recreating memory? : the drama Watashi wa kai ni naritai and its remakes / Griseldis Kirsch
From myth to cult : tragic heroes, parody and gender politics in the 1960s-1970s 'bad girls' cinema of Japan / Laura Treglia
Collective remorse for the past : Japanese film and TV representations of the 1960s student movement / Katsuyuki Hidaka
Depicting the persistence of being postwar : Eden of the East / Artur Lozano-Mende
Rethinking anime in East Asia : creative labour in transnational production, or, what gets lost in translation / Tomohiro Morisawa
Conclusion. The persistence of trauma / Dolores P. Martinez, Blai Guarne and Artur Lozano-Mendez.