@article{867060, recid = {867060}, title = {Political relations between China, the U.S. and other countries, 1910-1929.}, pages = {1 online resource.}, note = {Date range of documents: 1910-1929.}, abstract = {This collection includes the microfilmed U.S. State Department records for 1910-1929 relating to the political relations between the United States and China and relations between China and other states. The collection includes instructions to and despatches from diplomatic and consular officials; the despatches are often accompanied with enclosures. Also included in these records are the correspondence, reports, and journals of the commissions concerned with extraterritoriality in China, as well as notes between the State Department and foreign diplomatic representatives in the United States, memoranda prepared by officials of the State Department, and correspondence with officials of other government departments and with private firms and individuals.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/867060}, }