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Background and Significance User Interface Design Hypertext Animation Assessment Understand the Audience Define the Inputs Define what processing occurs Define the outputs Cognitive Underpinnings Chunking Implications for User Interface Design Dual Coding Dissonance Theory Learning Taxonomies Cognitive learning taxonomy Affective learning taxonomy Psychomotor learning taxonomy Combining taxonomies Presentation Sequencing Elaboration Theory Learning Hierarchies Prototyping Storyboarding Navigation Patterns Random Design Structured Designs Selecting an Appropriate Design Multimedia: It's Implementation and Usage Images Image file compression Lossless Compression Lossy Compression Raster formats Interlacing GIF Design issues with GIFs JPEG Design Issues with JPEGs TIFF RAW PNG BMP PPM, PGM, PBM, PNM Vector formats CGM SVG Motion Pictures / Animation Sound Files Uncompressed Format Compressed Formats Lossy Compression Lossless Compression Text and Message Design Their Combination Modality Principle Redundancy principle Implications for Multimedia Design Limits The Case for Adding On-Screen Text to Narrated Animations
The learning preference principle The Case Against Adding On-Screen Text to Narrated Animations Other Principles Navigation Patterns Random Design Structured Designs Summary / Conclusion.

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