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Intro; Preface; Contents; 1 Introduction; Promoting Undergraduates' Understanding of Chemistry Through Novel Pedagogies and Innovative Strategies in New Learning Environments; Responding to the Dynamic Nature of Teaching Environments; Translating Assessment into the Next Dimension; Developing Professional Skills in Chemistry Students; Summary; References; 2 Revisiting the Understanding of Redox Reactions Through Critiquing Animations in Variance; Introduction; Theoretical Framework; Students' Understanding of Redox Reactions; Methodology; Participants; Procedure and Data Collection

Data AnalysisResults and Discussion; After Viewing the Accurate Animation; After Viewing the Inaccurate Animation; Conclusions and Implications; References; 3 Reframing Chemistry Learning: The Use of Student-Generated Contexts; Introduction; Methodology; Student-Generated Contexts Teaching Approach (SCTA) Model; Results and Discussion; Nature of Student-Generated Contexts; Source of Student-Generated Context; Level of Student-Generated Context; Student Engagement in Student-Generated Context; Conclusions and Implications for Practice; References

4 Interactive Immersive Virtual Reality to Enhance Students' Visualisation of Complex MoleculesVisualisation Challenges in Learning Chemistry; Design of Immersive VR Activities; Research Design; Results; Students' Collaborative Interactions Within the VR Environment; Development of Conceptual Understanding in the VR Environment; Discussion and Implications; References; 5 Faculty Motivation for Scholarly Teaching and Innovative Classroom Practice-An Empirical Study; Introduction; Theoretical Framework; Overview of the Research Study; Context of the Study; Methodology; Research Measures

ParticipantsResults and Discussion; Organizational Context and Environment for Teaching; Teaching Values and Perceptions of Faculty; Conclusions and Implications for Practice; Implications for Practice; References; 6 Lessons Learnt from Teaching and Learning During Disruptions; Introduction; Institutional Context; Context for This Study; Literature Review; Part 1: Lecturer's Reflections on Teaching During Campus Closure; Research Design, Data Collection and Analysis; Findings; Discussion; Part 2: Student Learning Preferences Versus Performance in Chemistry; Data Collection and Analysis

FindingsConclusions and Implications for Teaching and Learning; Appendix: Seven Items from the Pre-course Survey Coded for Online Preference; References; 7 Bridging the Gap Between Philosophy of Science and Student Mechanistic Reasoning; Introduction; Application of a Philosophical Framework in Science Education; Students' Reasoning About Mechanisms in Physics; Thinking About Multiple Levels of Mechanisms in Biology Education; Using Aspects of Philosophy of Science to Analyse Students' Reasoning in Organic Chemistry; Connecting Components of a Mechanism-Chaining

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