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Intro; Preface; Organization; Steering Committee; General Chair; Chairs; Scientific Committee; Program Committee; Special Sessions; Collaborative Manufacturing and Management in the Context of Industry 4.0; Sec8; Intelligent Manufacturing Systems; Sec10; Tooling and Fixtures: Design, Optimization, Verification; Sec12; Advanced Manufacturing Technologies; Sec14; The Changing Face of Production Engineering and Management in a Contemporary Business Landscape; Sec16; Enabling Tools and Education for Industry 4.0; Sec18; Staff for the Industry of the Future; Sec20

Advances in Manufacturing, Properties, and Surface Integrity of Construction MaterialsSec22; Materials Engineering; Sec24; Advanced Mechanics of Systems, Materials and Structures; Sec26; Virtual and Augmented Reality in Manufacturing; Sec28; Contents; A Framework for SME Performance Evaluation; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 A Formal Model for SME Performance Evaluation; 3 Practical Issues for a SME Performance Evaluation Procedure; 4 Application to Two SMEs Registered in the PMInnova Program; 4.1 Modular Kitchens' Enterprise; 4.2 Cheese Factory; 5 Conclusion; Acknowledgments; References

Environmental Management and Green Attitudes of the European SME SectorAbstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Environment Value Growth Stages in the Aspect of Natural Environment Perception Change Evolution; 3 Environmental Management of SMEs
Evolutionary Grasp; 4 Green Activity of the European SME Sector; 5 Summary; References; A Comparative Analysis of Various Production Organisation Forms on the Basis of Customised Manufacturing; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Analysis of the Literature; 2.1 Types of Production Organisation; 2.2 Forms of Production Organisation

3 Overview of the Company Division Under Analysis4 Analysis of Results; 5 Summary; Acknowledgments; References; Tooling CAD Models Preparation Process for Automated Technology Design System; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 KBE Systems for Engineering Design; 3 Case Study
Dies for Assembling Connectors with Corrugated Pipes; 4 Assumptions of Automated Technology Design System; 5 Generative CAD Models of Dies; 6 Conclusions; References; Selection of Assembly Sequence for Manual Assembly Based on DFA Rating Factors; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Criteria for the Evaluation of Assembly Sequences

3 Comparison of the Validity of Criteria3.1 Multicriteria Decision Making Methods; 3.2 F-AHP; 4 Generating All Feasible Assembly Sequences; 5 Determining the Most Advantageous Sequence of Assembly; 6 Algorithm of the Method; 7 Implementation; 7.1 Determining All Feasible Assembly Sequences; 7.2 Ordering and Giving Weights to Selected Criteria; 7.3 Evaluation of Assembly Sequences; 8 Summary; References; Technology Management as a Process
A View from In-Depth Studies in Metal Processing Companies; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Technology Management and Process Management Approach

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