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Vol. 1: Introduction ; Start for Africa. Arrive Quilimane ; Quilimane to Blantyre ; The origins of the war. Slave-trade and missions ; Blantyre to Karonga's ; The attack on the slavers. Life at Karonga's ; Events at Karonga's. Nyasaland to England ; African slavery ; Methods of suppressing the slave-trade. Arms and liquor-trade ; Sail again for Africa. Mombasa to Makongeni ; Life in the jungle ; Makongeni to Machako's and back to Mombasa ; Work in Mombasa. Start again for interior. Mombasa to Machako's ; Machako's to the Lilwa River ; Lilwa River to Uganda ; Commercial possibilities of East Africa ; East Africa as a field for development ; Methods of African transport ; Labour supply in East Africa ; The African elephant and zebra ; Some other African animals ; Appendix Ia: The Indian Act (V. of 1843) abolishing the legal status of slavery ; Appendix Ib: The Anti-slavery Edict of Aug. 1st, 1890
Vol. 2: Sketch of early history of Uganda, and position of affairs on arrival there ; Preliminary work in Uganda ; Difficulties in Uganda ; War against Mohammedans, and tour in Buddu ; Buddu to Salt Lake ; Salt Lake to Kavalli's ; Kavalli's to Fort Lorne ; Fort Lorne to Fort Grant ; Fort Grant to Kampala ; Uganda under Captain Williams. Situation at end of 1891, and up to eve of the war ; The fighting in Uganda ; Situation in Uganda during the war ; Events subsequent to the war ; Peace concluded with the Wa-Fransa ; Settlement of the country ; Mohammedans repatriated. Peace throughout Uganda ; Close of my administration in Uganda. March to Kikuyu ; Kikuyu to England. The "Uganda question" ; Retention of Uganda ; Origin of the "British sphere," and methods of dealing with it ; Administration past and future ; Appendix II: Letter from Mgr. Hirth to Captain Willaims, dated 14th July 1891 ; Appendix III: Orders for administration of Witu ; Appendix IV: Notes on the small physical maps.

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