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Note on the spelling, accentuation, and pronunciation of certain Abyssinian words, together with some errata
Early Abyssinian history. The Portuguese expedition under Cristoforo da Gama
Abyssinia in the present century. The Emperor Theodore. Imprisonment of Consul Cameron
The mission and captivity of Mr. Rassam and his companions / by Lieutenant W.F. Prideaux, of the Bombay Staff Corps
Preliminary operations of Colonel Merewether and the advanced brigade
Country from Senafé to Adigerat
The march from Mulkutto to Adigerat
Description of the region between Adigerat and the Takkazyè
The march from Adigerat to the Wadela Plateau
Description of the Wadela and Dalanta Plateaux. Topography of Mágdala. Amba Geshen. March of Theodore from Debra Tabor to Mágdala. March of the English across the Plateaux to the Beshilo Ravine
Action at Arogyè. Release of the captives. Fall of Mágdala. Death of the King
Description of Mágdala. Burial of Theodore. Arrangements with his Queen and Chiefs. Liberation of the captive chiefs. Exodus of the King's followers. Destruction of Mágdala. The Galla Queens. Capture of Mashesha. Aficho Camp. Commencement of the return march. Work of the troops in the rear. Railway. Roads. Indian cavalry. Conduct of Walda Yasoos. Return march. Death of the Queen. Kâsa. Wakshûm Gobazyé. Death of Mr. Dufton. Arrangements for embarkation. Conclusion
Appendix A: Altitude of places in Abyssinia / fixed by C.R. Markham
Appendix B: Meteorological observations in Abyssinia / by C.R. Markham
Appendix C: Thermometrical observations (chiefly at Mágdala) / by Dr. Blanc.

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