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v. 1. Geographical description of Afghaunistaun. Situation and boundaries of Afghaunistaun
Mountains of Afghaunistaun
Rivers of Afghaunistaun
Natural and political divisions of Afghaunistaun
Of the climate of Afghaunistaun
Animals, vegetables, minerals of Afghaunistaun
General account of the inhabitants of Afghaunistaun. Introduction, origin, and early history of the Afghauns
Divisions and government of the Afghaun nation
Marriages, condition of women, funerals, etc.
Education, language, and literature of the Afghauns
Religion, sects, moollahs, superstitions, etc.
Hospitality, predatory habits, etc.
Manners, customs, and character of the Afghauns
Of the inhabitants of towns
Of the great
Trade of Caubul
Husbandry of Caubul
Taujiks, Hindkees, and other inhabitants of Afghaunistaun
v. 2. Particular account of the Afghaun tribes
Eastern tribes continued
Mountain tribes
Western Afghauns, Dooraunees, City of Candahar, Tereens, and Baraiches
Ghiljies, cities of Ghuznee and Caubul, Wurduks and Caukers
The provinces. Bulk, or Bactria and the Uzbeks
The Eimauks and Hazaurehs
Belochistaun and Lower Sind
Upper Sind, Moultaun, Leia, and the countries between Leia and Cashmeer
The Royal Government of Caubul. Of the King
Administration of the government
Of the division of the kingdom into provinces
Of the revenue
Justice and police of the kingdom
The military establishment
The religious establishment.

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