@article{875313, recid = {875313}, author = {Edgar, J.}, title = {Memorial of sundry inhabitants of the counties of Randolph and St. Clair, in the Indiana Territory January 17, 1806 : referred to the committee appointed the 19th ultimo, on a letter from William Henry Harrison, governor of the Indiana Territory. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {A. & G. Way, printers,}, address = {Washington :}, pages = {12 p. ;}, year = {1806}, note = {Praying for a division of the Indiana Territory, and admission of slaves into said territory. Indiana Territory at this date included not only the present state of Indiana, but all of Illinois and Wisconsin and the western part of Michigan. Randolph ant St. Clair counties comprised at this date nearly the whole of the present state of Illinois. Signed by J. Edgar and about 350 other persons.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/875313}, }