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Introductory letter on the general state of the Union
On the cruelty of the discipline of the state prisons of Pennsylvania ; Eastern penitentiary ; On the American system of banking and its ruinous effects upon the producing classes
On the working of the government of the United states : chartered privileges
On Thomas Paine's pamphlet in favour of paper money ; Character of Paine
On the character of Stephen Girars, the banker : the misappropriation of his munificent charitable bequests : character of the American Republicans
On the vote by ballet
On the conduct of the Republicans of the United States to the American Indians
On nullification
To the English abolitionists of Negro slavery
On universal suffrace, election by ballot, &c.
Appendix: I. Miscellaneous murders, riots, and other outrages in 1834, 1835, 1836, 1867, and 1838 ; II. Riots, outrages, and murders at the American elections ; III. On the character of Stephen Girard, etc. ; IV. Atrocities of the American Republicans toward the Negroes, and their friends the Abolitionists ; V. On the miserable condition of the labouring classed in the free republic of Pennsylvania ; VI. A few of a great number of instances of the firing of cities, towns, &c., from 1934 to 1838 inclusive ; VII. Outrages in Congress : legislative assemblies : courts of justice, etc. ; VIII. Extracts from public and other documents, &c., relative to the American system of banking ; IX. A few instances of the burning of churches and outrages perpetrated ... against the freedom of religious opinion ; X. A few cases lynch-law outrages ; XI. Early working of the republican system.

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