

The strange career of Jim Crow, by C.V. Woodward.
The color line, by G.B. Tindall.
Jim Crow laws and miscegenation, by V.L. Wharton.
Social acceptance and unacceptance, by C.E. Wynes.
The separation of the races, by J. Williamson.
Why Negroes were segregated in the new South, by C.V. Woodward.
In summation, by C.E. Wynes.
The debate on school segregation in South Carolina, 1868.
The Negroes in Negroland, by H.R. Helper.
The Negro, by J.R. Sparkman.
The silent South, by G.W. Cable.
Urban segregation during slavery, by R.C. Wade.
Segregation in the antebellum North by L.F. Litwack.
Why segregation in postwar Philadelphia, by B.H. Hunt.
Ethnic relations in American communities, by R.M. Williams, Jr.
Suggestions of additional reading (p. 111-113)

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