The humble petition of the several merchants and traders in the city of London, whose names, are hereunder subscribed [electronic resource].
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The humble petition of the several merchants and traders in the city of London, whose names, are hereunder subscribed [electronic resource].
Alternate Title
To the Honourable the Commons of Great Britain, in Parliament assembled.
Publication Details
[England? : s.n., 1753?]
1 online resource (4 p.)
Caption title.
At head of title: To the Honourable the Commons of Great Britain, in Parliament assembled.
Signed: Ralph Knox [and 101 others]. In support of the bill to permit naturalization of Jews.
"An affidavit, serving to detect that imposter, Henry Simons, the Polish Jew"--P. 2-4. Signed and dated: Jacob Ree, January, 1754.
Reproduction of the original from the Goldsmiths' Library, University of London.
At head of title: To the Honourable the Commons of Great Britain, in Parliament assembled.
Signed: Ralph Knox [and 101 others]. In support of the bill to permit naturalization of Jews.
"An affidavit, serving to detect that imposter, Henry Simons, the Polish Jew"--P. 2-4. Signed and dated: Jacob Ree, January, 1754.
Reproduction of the original from the Goldsmiths' Library, University of London.
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Access limited to authorized users.
Slavery and anti-slavery: a transnational archive. Part 2: Slave trade in the Atlantic world.
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