@article{881786, recid = {881786}, author = {J. C. G.}, title = {Britain's glory displayed Or, Ways and means found out, whereby to raise men and money towards the support of the present war, without affecting the industrious subject; As also methods proposed, whereby to indemnify ourselves for all former damages we have sustain'd, either from France or Spain, and to render our African Company that has long laboured under a deep consumption, for want of due attention, the most flourishing and profitable branch of the British trade, with many more, &c. &c. Designed for the good of these kingdoms. By J.C.G. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {Printed for the author; and sold by C. Corbet, in Fleet-street, and at the Royal Exchange,}, address = {London :}, pages = {1 online resource ([2], 86 p.)}, year = {1756}, note = {At foot of title page: (Price one shilling and sixpence.).}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/881786}, }