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Table of Contents
Naturalizing coercion: the Tuskegee experiments and the laboratory life of the plantation / Britt Rusert
Consumed by disease : medical archives, Latino fictions, and carceral health imaginaries / Christopher Perreira
Billions served : prison food regimes, nutritional punishment, and gastronomical resistance / Anthony Ryan Hatch
Shadows of war, traces of policing : the weaponization of space and the sensible in preemption / Andrea Miller
This is not Minority Report : predictive policing and population racism / Joshua Scannell
Racialized surveillance in the digital service economy / Winifred Poster
Digital character in "the scored society" : FICO, social networks, and competing measurements of creditworthiness / Tamara K. Nopper
Deception by design : digital skin, racial matter, and the new policing of child sexual exploitation / Mitali Thakor
Employing the carceral imaginary : an ethnography of worker surveillance in the retail industry / Madison Van Oort
Anti-racist technoscience : a generative tradition / Ron Eglash
Techno-vernacular creativity and innovation across the African diaspora and Global South / Nettrice R. Gaskins
Making skin visible through liberatory design / Lorna Roth
Scratch a theory, you find a biography / a conversation with Troy Duster
Reimagining race, resistance, and technoscience / a conversation with Dorothy Roberts.
Consumed by disease : medical archives, Latino fictions, and carceral health imaginaries / Christopher Perreira
Billions served : prison food regimes, nutritional punishment, and gastronomical resistance / Anthony Ryan Hatch
Shadows of war, traces of policing : the weaponization of space and the sensible in preemption / Andrea Miller
This is not Minority Report : predictive policing and population racism / Joshua Scannell
Racialized surveillance in the digital service economy / Winifred Poster
Digital character in "the scored society" : FICO, social networks, and competing measurements of creditworthiness / Tamara K. Nopper
Deception by design : digital skin, racial matter, and the new policing of child sexual exploitation / Mitali Thakor
Employing the carceral imaginary : an ethnography of worker surveillance in the retail industry / Madison Van Oort
Anti-racist technoscience : a generative tradition / Ron Eglash
Techno-vernacular creativity and innovation across the African diaspora and Global South / Nettrice R. Gaskins
Making skin visible through liberatory design / Lorna Roth
Scratch a theory, you find a biography / a conversation with Troy Duster
Reimagining race, resistance, and technoscience / a conversation with Dorothy Roberts.