Linked e-resources
Table of Contents
Part 1 Conceptual framing of mobile technology-enhanced workplace
1 Setting the scene: Professional learning in a hybrid space
2 Workplace learning as a hybrid space
3 mLearning in workplace learning
4 Designing a mobile technology capacity building framework for workplace learning
Part 2 Mobile technology capacity building resources for workplace learning
5 Staying professional and safe
6 Considering issues of time and place
7 Planning learning activities
8 Initiating dialogue
9 Networking
10 Creating learning opportunities on-the-go
11 Deepening the reflection
Part 3 Extending professional learning and practice through mobile technology
12 Epistemic fluency and mobile technology: A professional-plus perspective
13 Learning to be a deliberate professional in the mobile age
14 Fostering agency to enhance learning and working with mobile technology.
1 Setting the scene: Professional learning in a hybrid space
2 Workplace learning as a hybrid space
3 mLearning in workplace learning
4 Designing a mobile technology capacity building framework for workplace learning
Part 2 Mobile technology capacity building resources for workplace learning
5 Staying professional and safe
6 Considering issues of time and place
7 Planning learning activities
8 Initiating dialogue
9 Networking
10 Creating learning opportunities on-the-go
11 Deepening the reflection
Part 3 Extending professional learning and practice through mobile technology
12 Epistemic fluency and mobile technology: A professional-plus perspective
13 Learning to be a deliberate professional in the mobile age
14 Fostering agency to enhance learning and working with mobile technology.