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Intro; Supervisors' Foreword; Foreword I; Foreword II; Preface; Contents; Acronyms; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Plasma Turbulence; 1.2 An Overview of Approaches; 1.3 Incompressible MHD Turbulence; 1.3.1 Energy Cascade and Spectra; 1.3.2 Intermittency; 1.3.3 Localness of Energy Transfer; 1.4 Compressible MHD Turbulence; 1.4.1 MHD Shock Waves; 1.4.2 Numerical Simulation; 1.4.3 Possible Effects of Compressibility and Shocks; 1.5 Plasma Turbulence at Kinetic Scales; 1.5.1 Energy Spectra at Kinetic Scales; 1.5.2 Kinetic Dissipation; References; 2 Theoretical Modelling

2.1 The Electromagnetic Field Equations2.2 Charged Particle Motion; 2.3 Kinetic Theory; 2.4 Two-Fluid Theory; 2.5 Single-Fluid Theory; 2.5.1 The Reduced Form of Electrodynamic Equations for MHD; 2.5.2 Magnetic Induction Equation; 2.5.3 The Full Equations of MHD; References; 3 Hybrid Scheme for Compressible MHD Turbulence; 3.1 Governing Equations; 3.1.1 Ideal MHD Equations; 3.1.2 Dimensionless MHD Equations; 3.2 Numerical Method; 3.2.1 The Hybrid Compact-WENO Scheme; 3.2.2 Pentadiagonal Filter; 3.2.3 Divergence-Free Constraint of the Magnetic Field; 3.3 Numerical Results

3.3.1 Accuracy Analysis of the Hybrid Scheme3.3.2 1D and 2D Numerical Tests; 3.3.3 Isotropic MHD Turbulence; 3.4 Concluding Remarks; References; 4 Energy Cascade in Compressible MHD Turbulence; 4.1 Simulation Setup; 4.1.1 Large-Scale Forcing Mechanism; 4.1.2 Simulation Details; 4.2 Filtered Energy Equations; 4.3 Effect of Forcing Mechanisms; 4.3.1 Statistical Quantities; 4.3.2 Turbulent Structures; 4.3.3 Energy Transfer; 4.4 Compressibility Effect on Scaling Laws; 4.4.1 Four-Thirds Law; 4.4.2 Density Structure Functions; 4.5 Compressibility Effect on the Localness of Energy Transfer

4.6 Concluding RemarksReferences; 5 Energy Transfer and Dissipation in Collisionless Plasma Turbulence; 5.1 Energy Balance; 5.2 PIC Simulation Details; 5.3 Role of Pressure Tensor; 5.3.1 Intermittency of Pressure-Strain Interaction; 5.3.2 Coherent Structures in Plasma Turbulence; 5.3.3 Correlation Between Energy Transfer and Coherent Structures; 5.4 Energy Transfer Channels; 5.4.1 Correlation Between Pressure-Stress Interaction and Electromagnetic Work; 5.4.2 Filtered Fluid Kinetic Energy Equation; 5.4.3 Energy Transfer Across Scales and Between Different Forms; 5.5 Concluding Remarks

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