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Intro; Acknowledgments; Contents; Chapter 1: Introduction; 1.1 Why the Late Qing 1811-1911?; 1.2 Why a Postcolonial Perspective?; 1.3 Conquest, Resistance and Translation as Conquest and Resistance; 1.3.1 Conquest and Translation as Conquest; 1.3.2 Resistance as an Established Term of Translation Studies; 1.3.3 Redefining Resistance; 1.3.4 Translation as Resistance; 1.4 Translation as Conquest and Resistance: An Analytical Model; 1.4.1 The Causes of Translation History; 1.4.2 Aristotle's Four Causes; 1.4.3 An Analytical Model Based on Aristotle's Four Causes; References

Chapter 2: Translation as Conquest and Resistance: A Historical Overview2.1 Research on Translation as Conquest; 2.2 Research on Translation as Resistance; 2.3 Summary; References; Chapter 3: E-C Translation as Conquest in the Late Qing 1811-1911; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Bible Translation; 3.2.1 Bible: "The Word of God"; 3.2.2 "Preach the Gospel to Every Creature"; 3.2.3 Terms of God: Tianzhu, Shangdi or Shen?; 3.2.4 Competitive Style; 3.3 Translation of Unequal Treaties 1842-1860; 3.3.1 Unequal Treaties: Covenants Between "Conqueror and Vanquished"

3.3.2 Translating Tributary System into Treaty System3.3.3 Deceiving Translation of the Sino-British Unequal Treaties; Translation of the Treaty of Nanking; Translation of the Anglo-Chinese Treaty of Tientsin; Courteous Style; 3.4 Summary; References; Chapter 4: E-C Translation as Resistance in the Late Qing 1811-1911; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Translation of Western Humanities; 4.2.1 Western Humanities: Key to China's "Wealth and Power"; 4.2.2 Tianyanlun: Towards "Self-Strengthening and Race Preservation"; 4.2.3 Yan Fu's Strategy: Making Shifts Shift to "The Weak are often Devoured by the Strong" Shift to "The People Who are United Tend to Survive"; 4.2.4 Elegant Style; 4.3 Translation of Western Fiction; 4.3.1 Fiction: "An Incredible Power to Dominate the Way of Man"; 4.3.2 Rendering Uncle Tom's Cabin for "Our Race is on the Verge of being Slaved"; 4.3.3 Lin Shu's Strategies: De-Christianization and Subjectivation; De-Christianization; Subjectivation; 4.3.4 Gracious Style; 4.4 Summary; References; Chapter 5: Conclusions; References

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