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Intro; Supervisor's Foreword; Abstract; Publications Related to This Thesis; Acknowledgements; Contents; 1 Introduction; 1.1 The Standard Model; 1.1.1 QCD; 1.1.2 Electroweak Theory and the Higgs Mechanism; 1.2 Flavour; 1.2.1 CKM; 1.2.2 CP Violation; 1.3 Beyond the Standard Model?; 1.3.1 Dark Matter; 1.3.2 Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry; 1.3.3 Neutrino Masses; 1.3.4 Flavour Anomalies; 1.4 Remainder of the Thesis; References; 2 Theoretical Tools; 2.1 Effective Field Theories; 2.2 Heavy Quark Expansion; 2.3 Heavy Quark Effective Theory; 2.4 Example Calculations; 2.4.1 Matching and RG Running

2.4.2 B s Mixing2.5 B Mixing Observables; References; 3 Quark-Hadron Duality; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Duality Violation; 3.2.1 B Mixing; 3.2.2 Duality Bounds from Lifetime Ratios; 3.3 Numerical Updates of Standard Model Predictions; 3.4 D Mixing; 3.5 Summary; References; 4 Charming Dark Matter; 4.1 Introduction; 4.1.1 The DMFV Model; 4.2 Relic Density; 4.2.1 Relic Density with Coannihilations; 4.2.2 The Generation of Mass Splitting; 4.3 Flavour Constraints; 4.3.1 Mixing Observables; 4.3.2 Rare Decays; 4.4 Direct Detection Constraints; 4.5 Indirect Detection Constraints

4.5.1 Basics of Indirect Detection4.5.2 Gamma Rays (and Other Mono-chromatic Lines); 4.6 Collider Constraints; 4.6.1 EFT Limit; 4.6.2 LHC Bounds; 4.6.3 Collider Constraints Within DMFV; 4.7 Results; 4.7.1 Constrained Scenarios; 4.8 Summary; References; 5 Charming New Physics in Rare Bs Decays and Mixing?; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Charming New Physics Scenario; 5.3 Rare B Decays; 5.4 Mixing and Lifetime Observables; 5.5 Rare Decays Versus Lifetimes-Low-Scale Scenario; 5.6 High-Scale Scenario and RGE; 5.6.1 RG Enhancement of Delta C9eff; 5.6.2 Phenomenology for High NP Scale

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