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Part I: Introduction
1. Mesophotic coral ecosystems: Introduction and Overview
Part II: Regional Variation in Mesophotic Corarl Ecosystems
2. Bermuda
3. The Bahamas and Cayman Islands
4. Pulley Ridge, Gulf of Mexico, U.S.A.
5. The Mesoamerican Reef
6. Discovery Bay, Jamaica
7. Puerto Rico
8. The United States Virgin Islands
9. Bonaire and Curaçao
10. Brazil
11. The Red Sea
12. The Chagos Archipelago
13. Ryukyus Islands, Japan
14. Taiwan
15. The Philippines
16. Palau
17. Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
18. Papua New Guinea
19. North West Australia
20. The Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea
21. Fiji. -22. American Samoa. -23. Cook Islands
24. French Polynesia
25. The Hawaiian Archipelago
26. Isla del Coco, Costa Rica, Eastern Tropical Pacific
27. Chile and Salas y Gómez Ridge
Part III: Environments, Biodiversity, and Ecology of Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems.
28. The mesophotic coral microbial biosphere
29. Macroalgae
30. Symbiodinium genetic diversity and symbiosis with hosts from shallow to mesophotic coral ecosystems
31. Large benthic foraminifera in low-light environments
32. Sponges
33. Biodiversity of reef-building, scleractinian corals
34. Reef-building corals of the upper mesophotic zone of the central Indo-west
35. Sexual reproduction of scleractinian corals in mesophotic coral ecosystems vs. shallow reefs. -36. Coral sclerochronology: similarities and differences in the coral isotopic signatures between mesophotic and shallow reefs
37. Antipatharians of the mesophotic zone: four case studies
38. Octocorals of the Indo-Pacific
39. Gorgonian corals
40. Fishes: Biodiversity
41. Disease problems
42. Light, temperature, photosynthesis, heterotrophy, and the lower depth
limits of mesophotic coral ecosystems
43. Bioerosion
44. Geology and geomorphology
Part IV: Are Shallow and Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems Conne cted?
45. Beyond the 'deep reef refuge hypothesis: a conceptual framework to characterize persistence at depth
46. Coral ecosystem connectivity between Pulley Ridge and the Florida Keys
Part V: Conservation, Management, and Threats to Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems
47. Disturbance in mesophotic coral ecosystems nd linkages to conservation and management
48. Invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans and P. miles ): distribution, impact, and Management
49. Ecosystem Services of mesophotic coral reefs and a call for better accounting
Part VI: Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems Research: Technologies and Future Directions
50. Advanced Technical Diving
51. Underwater robotic technology for imaging mesophotic coral ecosystems
52. Key questions for research and conservation of mesophotic coral ecosystems and temperate mesophotic ecosystems.

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