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Intro; Preface; Contents; Organic Farming in Protecting Water Quality; Introduction; What Are the Different Ways by Which Water Quality Deteriorates?; Organic Farming; Aims and Definitions of Organic Farming; Organic Farming: Environmental Benefits; Nutrient Leaching and Runoff; How Organic Farming Controls Nutrient Leaching and Runoff; Positive Management Practices to Minimize Nutrient Leaching and Runoff; Soil Erosion; Positive Practices That Minimize Erosion; Pathogens; Positive Practices; Pesticides; Positive Practices; Heavy Metals; Conclusion; References

Current Status and Soil Biology Impacts of Organic Conservation Tillage in the US Great PlainsIntroduction; Organic Continuous-NT Systems; Conservation-Tillage Impacts on the Soil Food Web; Effect of Conservation Tillage on the Soil Microbial Community; Impact of Tillage on Nematodes; Impact of Tillage on Soil Meso- and Macrofauna; Suggestions for Future Research; References; Use of Biochar in Organic Farming; Chapter Overview; Introduction: Biochar History and Use in Agricultural Systems; Biochar Generation and Properties; Biochar Generation; Physical and Structural Properties of Biochar

Macromolecular Properties of BiocharInfluence of Biochar on Soil Properties; Soil Physical Properties; Soil Biochemical Properties; Soil Microorganisms; Influence of Biochar on Crop Productivity in Organic Agriculture; Biochar in Organic Agriculture: The San Juan Experience; Background and Biochar Generation; Study Design and Results; Linking Sustainable Agroforestry to Organic Farming; References; Pest and Disease Control Strategies in Organic Fruit Production; Soil Management Practices to Reduce Pest Incidence; Field Management Practices to Reduce Pest Incidence

Physical Methods to Control Flying PestsBotanicals in Pest and Disease Control; Microbial Bioagents in Pest Control; Natural Enemies for Pest Management; Ecological Engineering Approaches; Biodiversity with Flowering Plants; Intercrops to Check Pest Incidence; Trap Cropping; Physical Methods to Control Postharvest Pests and Diseases; Plant Products to Control Postharvest Pests and Diseases in Fruits; Conclusion; References; Pesticides: Classification, Detection, and Degradation; Introduction; Detection of Pesticides; Chromatographic Techniques; Supercritical Fluid Extraction

Pressurized Liquid ExtractionGel Permeation Chromatography; Analysis of Pesticides; Conclusion; References; Organic Animal Husbandry; Introduction; Objectives of Organic Animal Husbandry; Role of Livestock in Organic Agriculture; Animal Welfare in Organic Agriculture; Role of Organic Agriculture on Animal Health; Reduce Incidence of Diseases; Promotes Health of Animal; Reduces Pain and Stress Through Standard Animal Welfare; Organic Livestock Production Standards; The European Union Organic (EU Organic) Standard for Livestock Production

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