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UBBA Unity Based BPMN Animator
Achieving GDPR Compliance of BPMN Process Models
How Could Systems Analysis Use the Idea of "Responsible Information System"
Discovering Customer Journeys from Evidence: a Genetic Approach Inspired by Process Mining
Keeping Data Inter-Related in a Blockchain
Finding Non-compliances with Declarative Process Constraints through Semantic Technologies
The SenSoMod-Modeler
A Model-Driven Architecture Approach for Mobile Context-Aware Business Applications
Blurring Boundaries Towards The Collective Team Grokking of Product Requirements
Towards an Effective and Efficient Management of Genome Data: an Information Systems Engineering perspective
A Data Streams Processing Platform for Matching Information Demand and Data Supply
Co-Location Specication for IoT-Aware Collaborative Business Processes
Towards risk-driven security requirements management in agile software development
Detection and Resolution of Data-Flow Differences in Business Process Models
Modeling reverse logistics networks: a case study for E-waste management policy
Using Conceptual Modeling to Support Machine Learning
Analyzing User Behavior in Search Process Models
User-Centered and Privacy-Driven Process Mining System Design for IoT
ProcessCity Visualizing Business Processes as City Metaphor
Enhancing Big Data Warehousing for Efficient, Integrated and Advanced Analytics Visionary Paper
Business Process Compliance Despite Change: Towards Proposals for a Business Process Adaptation
The Role of Data: Finding Concept Drifts and their Reasons based on Process Histories
How Complex Does Compliance Get.

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