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Biopsychosocial approaches to understanding chronic pain and disability
Communication and Pain
Pain and intercultural communication
Truth telling and palliative care
Communiatona nd palliative care: e-health interventions and pain management
Educating patients and caregivers about pain management: what clinicians need to know
Assessment of Pain
Pain assessment tools in palliative cancer care
Quality indicators for pain in palliative care
Palliative care clinical trials: generalizability and applicability in hospice and palliative care practice
Dynamic pain assessment: an application of clinical infometrics in personalized pain treatment and management
Assessing pain and unmet need in patients with advanced dementia: the role of the serial trial intervention
Common Pain Conditions
Pediatric chronic pain
Pain in the older person
Pain after traumatic brain injury
Pain in the battlefield injured
Pain, whiplash disorder, and traffic safety
Chronic low back pain
Adult cancer-related pain
Mechanisms of Pain
Neuroanatomy of pain and pain pathways
Acute to chronic pain: transition in the post-surgical patient
Pain and the placebo/nocebo effect
Sex differences in pain across the life course
Stress and pain
Hope in the context of pain and palliative care
Temporomandibular disorder and its relationship with fibromyalgia
Phantom limb pain
Pharmacogenetics of pain: the future of personalized medicine
Pain imaging
Interventions for Pain
Evidence-based pharmacotherapy of chronic pain
Chronic pain and opioids
Nerve blocks, trigger points, and intrathecal therapy for chronic pain
Neurosurgical interventions for the control of chronic pain conditions
Rehabilitation treatments for chronic musculoskeletal pain
Psychosocial, Complementary and Alternative, and Spiritual Approaches for the Control of Symptoms
Pain, depression, and anxiety in cancer
Support groups for chronic pain
CAM in chronic pain and palliative care
Spiritual dimensions of pain and suffering
Perspectives on Pain from the Humanities and Social Sciences
Suffering, hope, and healing
Narrative and pain: towards an integrative model
Representations of the body in pain: anthropological approaches
The art of pain: the patients perspective of chronic pain
Ethical Issues and Future Directions
Disparities in pain management and palliative care
The delineation and explication of palliative options of last resort
Recognition and resolution of ethical barriers to palliative care research
How health care reform can improve access to quality pain and palliative care services.

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