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Intro; Acknowledgements; Praise for Screening the Author; Contents; List of Figures; Chapter 1 Introduction: Biopics, Biography, Heritage, and the Literary Biopic; The Biography, Biopics, and the Heritage Cinema Discourse; The Literary Biopic as Genre; Earlier Literary Biopics and the Contemporary Literary Biopic; Romantic Subjectivity and Authorial Screen Identity; References; Chapter 2 Heritage and the Literary Biopic 'Template': Shakespeare, Austen, Wilde, and the Author as Product; Becoming Jane and the 'Small Room' of Authorship

'Believing' in Shakespeare the Author in Shakespeare in LoveWilde and the Public Political Masks of Celebrity Authorship; The Author as Product: Further Thoughts; Following the 'Long Trail': Mass-Marketing, Heritage, and Digital Culture; Loving the Author Through Commodification: Fans and by-Products; References; Chapter 3 The Muse Speaks Back: Silence, Invisibility, and Reframing Authorial Identity; The Individuals on the Margins: Probing Female 'Invisibility'; The Female 'Chorus': Reworking the Language of Silence; References

Chapter 4 Feminine Authorial Mournings: The Female Writer on Screen and the Trauma of the PresentMadness, Creativity, and the Domestic; The Semiotics of Contemporary Authorial Martyrdom; Water and Light: The Female 'Christ'; Prayer, Incantation, and the Literary 'Word': The Trauma of the Present; References; Chapter 5 Appropriating the Beats, Radicalising the Literary Biopic: Intersectional Politics and Ginsberg and Kerouac on Screen; The Spiritual Realm: Radical Religions and the 'Soul' of America; The Earthly Realm: Reframing the Literary Biopic as Intersectional Politics; References

Chapter 6 Conclusion: The Author as Mediator and BarometerThe Past: The Uses of Nostalgia and Loving the Author from Death; The Present: Collaboration and the Layering of Despair; The Future: Life in the Rain and Authorial Beauty; Final Thoughts: The Future of the Literary Biopic Template?; References; Select Filmography; Index

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