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Intro; Preface: An Appetizer for the Raw Meat; Contents; Notes on Contributors; List of Tables; 1 Introduction: Developmentalism-On a Trope of (Dis)Enchantment; Developmentalism Is More Than Development; An Impatient Synopsis of Predecessors' Propositions; Enchantment-(Dis)Enchantment, A Dialectic of Development; The Raw and Cooked: The Book and Booked; Toward the Future of the Past; References; Part I Discontentment and Disenchantment; 2 The Danger of Development Today: An Inevitable Polemic; Introduction; Development and Euro-Centrism; Development Paradox in India; Conclusion; References

3 The Enchantment of Urbanization: Closer Look at Market's Narrative in Indian CitiesIntroduction; Urbanization as the Idiom of Development; Development and Market; The Importance of the Social in the Economic; The Idiomatic Enchantment; Conclusion; References; Part II Dramatics and Enchantment; 4 The Art of Showing: Imagining Development in Indian Mediascape; Development on Indian Television: Tracing the Origins; The Corporatisation of Media and Dramatics of Development: Background of the Study; Staging of Development: Mapping the Construction of News; When Boardroom Controls the Newsroom

Interpreting Development: The Act of Seeing'Images on Television Are Not Always Real': Concluding Remarks; References; 5 Crafting Development and Developing Craft: An On-Going Dialogue; Introduction; Envisioning Craft in Indian Context; Understanding Craft: The Gandhian Way; The Duality of Craft: Idealist Vis-à-Vis Moderniser; Conclusion; References; 6 Documentaries and the Development Project: Filmmaking as a Discursive Practice; Introduction; A Note on Documentary Film Funders; Equipment that Filmmakers Prefer; Making of the Discursive Documentaries; Filming Mythologies; Concluding Remarks

Social Indicators of MarginalityContested Space-Insights from Vizhinjam; The Congested Inhabitation; Work-Related Fights; Gender-Related Conflicts; Conclusion; References; 9 Resurgence of Community in the Midst of Despair: Development's Changing Course in Northeast India; State and Community in Northeast India: Unfriendly Postures and Intimate Struggles; Anti-development Postures; Co-partners of Development; Community Taking the Role of Agents for Development; Conclusion; References; 10 (Re)Producing Class. On Development as Middle Class Mission

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