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Part I Elementary Particles, Nuclei and Atoms
1 Matter-wave Interferences with Molecules
2 Neutron Interferometry
3 Analysis of a Stern-Gerlach Experiment
4 Spectroscopic Measurements on a Neutron Beam
5 Measuring the Electron Magnetic Moment Anomaly
6 Atomic Clocks
7 The Spectrum of Positronium
8 Neutrino Transformations in the Sun
9 The Hydrogen Atom in Crossed Fields
10 Energy Loss of Ions in Matter
Part II Quantum Entanglement and Measurement
11 The EPR Problem and Bells Inequality
12 Quantum Correlations in a Multi-Particle System
13 A Non-Destructive Bomb Detector
14 Direct Observation of Field Quantization
15 Schrödingers Cat
16 Quantum Cryptography
17 Ideal Quantum Measurement
18 The Quantum Eraser
19 A Quantum Thermometer
20 Laser Cooling and Trapping
Part III Complex Systems
21 Exact Results for the Three-Body Problem
22 Properties of a Bose-Einstein Condensate
23 Quantized Vortices
24 Motion in a Periodic Potential and Bloch Oscillations
25 Magnetic Excitons
26 A Quantum Box
27 Colored Molecular Ions
28 Hyperfine Structure in Electron Spin Resonance
29 Probing Matter with Positive Muons
30 Quantum Reflection of Atoms from a Surface
Part IV Appendix
31 Memento of Quantum Mechanics.

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