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Track of Data-Driven Computational Sciences
Nonparametric Approach to Weak Signal Detection in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)
Anne D. Brooks, Robert A. Lodder
Parallel Strongly Connected Components Detection with Multi-partition on GPUs / Junteng Hou, Shupeng Wang, Guangjun Wu, Ge Fu, Siyu Jia, Yong Wang et al.
Efficient Parallel Associative Classification Based on Rules Memoization / Michel Pires, Nicollas Silva, Leonardo Rocha, Wagner Meira, Renato Ferreira
Integrated Clustering and Anomaly Detection (INCAD) for Streaming Data / Sreelekha Guggilam, Syed Mohammed Arshad Zaidi, Varun Chandola, Abani K. Patra
An Implementation of a Coupled Dual-Porosity-Stokes Model with FEniCS / Xiukun Hu, Craig C. Douglas
Anomaly Detection in Social Media Using Recurrent Neural Network / Shamoz Shah, Madhu Goyal
Conditional BERT Contextual Augmentation / Xing Wu, Shangwen Lv, Liangjun Zang, Jizhong Han, Songlin Hu
An Innovative and Reliable Water Leak Detection Service Supported by Data-Intensive Remote Sensing Processing / Ricardo Martins, Alberto Azevedo, André B. Fortunato, Elsa Alves, Anabela Oliveira, Alexandra Carvalho
Track of Machine Learning and Data Assimilation for Dynamical Systems
Scalable Weak Constraint Gaussian Processes / Rossella Arcucci, Douglas McIlwraith, Yi-Ke Guo
A Learning-Based Approach for Uncertainty Analysis in Numerical Weather Prediction Models / Azam Moosavi, Vishwas Rao, Adrian Sandu
Kernel Embedded Nonlinear Observational Mappings in the Variational Mapping Particle Filter / Manuel Pulido, Peter Jan vanLeeuwen, Derek J. Posselt
Data Assimilation in a Nonlinear Time-Delayed Dynamical System with Lagrangian Optimization / Tullio Traverso, Luca Magri
Machine Learning to Approximate Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations: Neural Networks vs. Linear Regressors / Georg Engel
Kernel Methods for Discrete-Time Linear Equations / Boumediene Hamzi, Fritz Colonius
Physics-Informed Echo State Networks for Chaotic Systems Forecasting / Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan, Wolfgang Polifke, Luca Magri
Tuning Covariance Localization Using Machine Learning / Azam Moosavi, Ahmed Attia, Adrian Sandu
Track of Marine Computing in the Interconnected World for the Benefit of the Society
Marine and Atmospheric Forecast Computational System for Nautical Sports in Guanabara Bay (Brazil)
Rafael Henrique Oliveira Rangel, Luiz Paulo de Freitas Assad, Elisa Nóbrega Passos, Caio Souza, William Cossich, Ian Cunha D'Amato Viana Dragaud et al.
An Integrated Perspective of the Operational Forecasting System in Rías Baixas (Galicia, Spain) with Observational Data and End-Users / Anabela Venâncio, Pedro Montero, Pedro Costa, Sabela Regueiro, Swen Brands, Juan Taboada
Climate Evaluation of a High-Resolution Regional Model over the Canary Current Upwelling System / Ruben Vazquez, Ivan Parras-Berrocal, William Cabos, Dmitry V. Sein, Rafael Mañanes, Juan I. Perez et al.
Validating Ocean General Circulation Models via Lagrangian Particle Simulation and Data from Drifting Buoys / Karan Bedi, David Gómez-Ullate, Alfredo Izquierdo, Tomás Fernández Montblanc
Implementation of a 3-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model to a Fish Aquaculture Area in Sines, Portugal
A Down-Scaling Approach / Alexandre Correia, Lígia Pinto, Marcos Mateus
Numerical Characterization of the Douro River Plume / Renato Mendes, Nuno Vaz, Magda C. Sousa, João G. Rodrigues, Maite deCastro, João M. Dias
The Impact of Sea Level Rise in the Guadiana Estuary / Lara Mills, João Janeiro, Flávio Martins
Estuarine Light Attenuation Modelling Towards Improved Management of Coastal Fisheries / Marko Tosic, Flávio Martins, Serguei Lonin, Alfredo Izquierdo, Juan Darío Restrepo
The NARVAL Software Toolbox in Support of Ocean Models Skill Assessment at Regional and Coastal Scales / Pablo Lorente, Marcos G. Sotillo, Arancha Amo-Baladrón, Roland Aznar, Bruno Levier, Lotfi Aouf et al.
Salinity Control on Saigon River Downstream of Dautieng Reservoir Within Multi-objective Simulation-Optimisation Framework for Reservoir Operation / Okan Aygun, Andreja Jonoski, Ioana Popescu
Clustering Hydrographic Conditions in Galician Estuaries / David E. Losada, Pedro Montero, Diego Brea, Silvia Allen-Perkins, Begoña Vila
Early Warning Systems for Shellfish Safety: The Pivotal Role of Computational Science / Marcos Mateus, Jose Fernandes, Marta Revilla, Luis Ferrer, Manuel Ruiz Villarreal, Peter Miller et al.
Track of Multiscale Modelling and Simulation
Creating a Reusable Cross-Disciplinary Multi-scale and Multi-physics Framework: From AMUSE to OMUSE and Beyond / Inti Pelupessy, Simon Portegies Zwart, Arjen van Elteren, Henk Dijkstra, Fredrik Jansson, Daan Crommelin et al.
A Semi-Lagrangian Multiscale Framework for Advection-Dominant Problems / Konrad Simon, Jörn Behrens
A Multiscale Model of Atherosclerotic Plaque Development: Toward a Coupling Between an Agent-Based Model and CFD Simulations / Anna Corti, Stefano Casarin, Claudio Chiastra, Monika Colombo, Francesco Migliavacca, Marc Garbey
Special Aspects of Hybrid Kinetic-Hydrodynamic Model When Describing the Shape of Shockwaves / Yurii Nikitchenko, Sergei Popov, Alena Tikhonovets
Computational Analysis of Pulsed Radiofrequency Ablation in Treating Chronic Pain / Sundeep Singh, Roderick Melnik
MaMiCo: Parallel Noise Reduction for Multi-instance Molecular-Continuum Flow Simulation / Piet Jarmatz, Philipp Neumann
Projection-Based Model Reduction Using Asymptotic Basis Functions / Kevin W. Cassel
Introducing VECMAtk
Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification for Multiscale and HPC Simulations / Derek Groen, Robin A. Richardson, David W. Wright, Vytautas Jancauskas, Robert Sinclair, Paul Karlshoefer et al.
Track of Simulations of Flow and Transport: Modeling, Algorithms and Computation
deal. II Implementation of a Weak Galerkin Finite Element Solver for Darcy Flow / Zhuoran Wang, Graham Harper, Patrick O'Leary, Jiangguo Liu, Simon Tavener
Recovery of the Interface Velocity for the Incompressible Flow in Enhanced Velocity Mixed Finite Element Method / Yerlan Amanbek, Gurpreet Singh, Mary F. Wheeler
A New Approach to Solve the Stokes-Darcy-Transport System Applying Stabilized Finite Element Methods / Iury Igreja
Energy Stable Simulation of Two-Phase Equilibria with Capillarity / Shuyu Sun
Effects of Numerical Integration on DLM/FD Method for Solving Interface Problems with Body-Unfitted Meshes / Cheng Wang, Pengtao Sun, Rihui Lan, Hao Shi, Fei Xu
Application of the Double Potential Method to Simulate Incompressible Viscous Flows / Tatyana Kudryashova, Sergey Polyakov, Nikita Tarasov
A Bubble Formation in the Two-Phase System / Karel Fraňa, Shehab Attia, Jörg Stiller
Performance of a Two-Path Aliasing Free Calculation of a Spectral DNS Code / Mitsuo Yokokawa, Koji Morishita, Takashi Ishihara, Atsuya Uno, Yukio Kaneda
Track of Simulations of Flow and Transport: Modeling, Algorithms and Computation / DNS of Mass Transfer from Bubbles Rising in a Vertical Channel{Néstor Balcázar-Arciniega, Joaquim Rigola, Assensi Oliva
A Hybrid Vortex Method for the Simulation of 3D Incompressible Flows / Chloe Mimeau, Georges-Henri Cottet, Iraj Mortazavi
Accelerated Phase Equilibrium Predictions for Subsurface Reservoirs Using Deep Learning Methods / Tao Zhang, Yiteng Li, Shuyu Sun
Study on the Thermal-Hydraulic Coupling Model for the Enhanced Geothermal Systems / Tingyu Li, Dongxu Han, Fusheng Yang, Bo Yu, Daobing Wang, Dongliang Sun
Modelling of Thermal Transport in Wire + Arc Additive Manufacturing Process / Edison A. Bonifaz.

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