

Thing theory / Bill Brown
Shadows and Ephemera / Sidney R. Nagel
Descartes's geometry as spiritual exercise / Matthew L. Jones
Lyric substance: on riddles, materialism, and poetic obscurity / Daniel Tiffany
The defecating duck, or, the ambiguous origins of artificial life / Jessica Riskin
Words and the murder of the thing / Peter Schwenger
Why has critique run out of steam: from matters of fact to matters of concern / Bruno Latour
Fetishizing the glove in Renaissance Europe / Peter Stallybrass and Ann Rosalind Jones
Modern Metamorphoses and disgraceful tales / Jonathan Lamb
Romanticism and the life of things: fossils, totems, and images / W.J.T. Mitchell
The Russian constructivist flapper dress / Christina Kiaer
The romance of caffeine and aluminum / Jeffrey T. Schnapp
Object, relic, fetish, thing: Joseph Beuys and the museum / Charity Scribner
A pebble, a camera, a man who turns into a telegraph pole / John Frow
Fateful attachments: on collecting, fidelity, and Lao She / Rey Chow
"Dying is an art, like everything else" / Michael Taussig
"Paths that wind through the thicket of things" / Lesley Stern
Things on film: Shadows and voice in Wright Morris's field of vision / Alan Trachtenberg.

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