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40 Jahre Teilung brauchen 40 Jahre Heilung = 40 years of division need 40 years to heal / Marianne Birthler
Europa-Radweg Eiserner Vorhang = The Iron Curtain Trail-a European cycle route / Michael Cramer
S-Bahnnetz/Ringbahn = The S-Bahn and Ringbahn overground rail network
Foto-Essay internationale Grenzmaueren : Confrontier = Photo essay International border walls : confrontier / Kai Wiedenhöfer.
Europa-Radweg Eiserner Vorhang = The Iron Curtain Trail-a European cycle route / Michael Cramer
S-Bahnnetz/Ringbahn = The S-Bahn and Ringbahn overground rail network
Foto-Essay internationale Grenzmaueren : Confrontier = Photo essay International border walls : confrontier / Kai Wiedenhöfer.