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Chapter1. Curvature as an integrable deformation
Chapter2. Trends in supersymmetric quantum mechanics
Chapter3. Coherent states in Quantum Optics: An oriented overview
Chapter4. Higher Order Quantum Superintegrability: a new "Painlevé conjecture
Chapter5. Supersymmetries in Schrodinger
Pauli equationsand in Schrodinger equations with position dependent mass
Chapter6. Nonlinear supersymmetry as a hidden symmetry
Chapter7. Coherent and squeezed states: introductory review of basic notions, properties and generalizations
Chapter8. Trace Formulas Applied to the Riemann -Function
Chapter9. "Real- and complex-energy non-conserving particle number pairing solution"
Chapter10. Jacobi polynomials as su(2; 2) unitary irreducible representation
Chapter11. Innite square-well, trigonometric Ploschl-Teller and other potential wells with a moving barrier
Chapter12. Variational Method Applied to Schrlodinger-like Equation
Chapter13. The Lippmann-Schwinger formula and one dimensional models with Dirac delta interactions
Chapter14. Hermite coherent states for quadratic refractive index optical media
Chapter15. Analysis of CPN sigma models via soliton surfaces
Chapter16. On the equivalence between Type Liouville dynamical systems in the plane and the sphere
Chapter17. Construction of partial dierential equations with conditional symmetries
Chapter18. An Integro-dierential Equation of the Fractional Form: Cauchy Problem and Solution
Chapter19. Quasi-integrability and some aspects of SU(3) Toda eld theory
Chapter20. On some aspects of unitary evolution generated by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians.

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