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Intro; Table of Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: Flutter: A Gentle Introduction; Meditations on the Abyss; What's in a (Silly) Name?; Dart: Language of the Gods?; Widgets to the Left of Me, Widgets to the Right!; Brass Tacks: The Pros and Cons of Flutter; Ok, Enough Talk, Let's Get Going with Flutter!; Flutter SDK; Android Studio; The (Slightly Less) Typical "Hello, World!" App; Hot Reload: You'll Love It!; Basic Flutter Application Structure; A Few More "Under-the-Covers" Details; Summary

Chapter 2: Hitting the Bullseye with DartThe Things You Must Know; No Comment: All About Comments; Nothing Stays the Same: Variables; Variable Declaration and Initialization; Constants and Final Values; Everybody Has a Type: Data Types; String Values; Numeric Values; Boolean Value; Lists and Maps; When a Single Value Just Won't Do: Enumerations; What's Your Type: The "as" and "is" Keywords; Going with the Flow: Flow Control (and Logic!) Constructs; Looping; Switch; If Statements; The Big Nothing: void; Smooth Operators; Classing the Joint Up: Object Orientation in Dart; Instance Variables

MethodsConstructors; The "this" Reference; Subclassing; Getters and Setters; Interfaces; Abstract Classes; Visibility; Operators; Getting Funky with Functions; Tell Me Is It So: Assertions; Out of Time: Asynchrony; Ssshhh, Be Quiet: Libraries (and Visibility); Let's Be Exceptional: Exception Handling; I Have the Power: Generators; Metatude: Metadata; Speaking in General: Generics; Summary; Chapter 3: Say Hello to My Little Friend: Flutter, Part I; A Buffet of Widgets; Layout; MaterialApp, Scaffold, Center, Row, Column, Expanded, Align, and Text; Container, Padding, Transform

ConstrainedBox, FittedBox, RotatedBox, SizedBoxDivider; Card; Drawer; Navigation; BottomNavigationBar; TabBar (CupertinoTabBar) and TabBarView (CupertinoTabView); Stepper; Input; Form; Checkbox; Switch (CupertinoSwitch); Slider (CupertinoSlider); Radio; Date and Time Pickers (CupertinoDatePicker, CupertinoTimerPicker); Dismissible; Dialogs, Popups, and Messages; Tooltip; SimpleDialog (CupertinoDialog); AlertDialog (CupertinoAlertDialog); SnackBar; BottomSheet (CupertinoActionSheet); Summary; Chapter 4: Say Hello to My Little Friend: Flutter, Part II; Styling Widgets; Theme and ThemeData

OpacityDecoratedBox; Transform; Animations and Transitions; AnimatedContainer; AnimatedCrossFade; AnimatedDefaultTextStyle; A Few Others: AnimatedOpacity, AnimatedPositioned, PositionedTransition, SlideTransition, AnimatedSize, ScaleTransition, SizeTransition, and RotationTransition; Drag and Drop; Data Views; Table; DataTable; GridView; ListView and ListTile; Miscellaneous; CircularProgressIndicator (CupertinoActivityIndicator) and LinearProgressIndicator; Icon; Image; Chip; FloatingActionButton; PopupMenuButton; Wither APIs?; Core Flutter Framework Libraries; animation; foundation; gestures

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