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Rigor with relevance : the many legacies of Marilynn B. Brewer / Robert W. Livingston, Geoffrey J. Leonardelli, and Roderick M. Kramer
Categorization-based versus person-based explanations of behaviors : implications from the dual-process model / Minoru Karasawa
Dynamic aspects of entitativity : from group perceptions to social interaction / David L. Hamilton, Jacqueline M. Chen, and Nate Way
New evolutionary perspectives on theory of mind / Linnda R. Caporael and Glenn D. Reeder
Social identity complexity : theoretical implications for the social psychology of intergroup relations / Katharina Schmid and Miles Hewstone
Optimal distinctiveness in nested categorization contexts : moving from dueling identities to a dual identity / Geoffrey J. Leonardelli ... [et al.]
Agent-based modeling as a tool for studying social identity processes : the case of optimal distinctiveness theory / Cynthia L. Pickett ... [et al.]
Religion as collective identity / Ann C. Rumble
Intergroup relations in the 21st century : in-group positivity and out-group negativity among members of an internet hate group / Karen Gonsalkorale and William von Hippel
Developing a theory of gendered prejudice : an evolutionary and social dominance perspective / Melissa M. McDonald, Carlos D. Navarrete, and Jim Sidanius
Intergroup relations and majority or minority group influence / William D. Crano and Vanessa Hemovich
Intragroup relationships and intergroup comparisons as two sources of group-based collectivism / Masaki Yuki
How leaders transform followers : organizational identity as a mediator of follower attitudes in three service organizations / Sherry K. Schneider ... [et al.]
Cooperation and the commons : laboratory and field investigations of a persistent dilemma / Roderick M. Kramer
Moral disengagement and morality shifting in the context of collective violence / Emanuele Castano
A movable feast : how transformational cross-cultural experiences facilitate creativity / William W. Maddux
Trust in the manager as a supervisor or a group leader? Toward a relational versus collective distinction in procedural justice / Ya-Ru Chen, Guozhen Zh ao, and Jean Lee
In retrospect / Marilynn B. Brewer.

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