Linked e-resources


The process of investigation
Investigation terminology
Investigation defined
The subject
Interview v. interrogation
Fact-finders v. investigators
Decision-maker v. prosecutor
Misconduct and malfeasance
B. the investigative process
The elements of a successful investigation
The eight methods of investigation
The seven phases of investigation
The differences between the public and private sector
An historical perspective
Advantages of the public sector
Advantages of the private sector
More sophisticated crimes and perpetrators
Greater use of technology
More litigious workforce
Expanded rights and protections of employees
The fundamentals of fact-finding
The history of the modern fact-finder
The lincoln years and origin of the secret service
The texas rangers
The creation of the fbi
The birth of corporate investigations
The role of the fact-finder
The fact-finder defined
Gather facts and evidence
Document and catalog
Report findings to a higher authority
Provide recommendations only when asked
The objectives of the investigation
Determining the objectives
Modifying the objectives
Potential and intended outcomes
Evidence collection and preservation
The definition of evidence
Hearsay evidence
Admissibility and materiality
Spoliation of evidence
Evidence retention
Chain of custody
The methods of investigation
Physical surveillance
Physical surveillance defined
Stationary and moving surveillance
Evidence collection and preservation
Electronic surveillance
Electronic surveillance defined
Methods and applications
Research and audit
The fundamentals of research and audit
Statutory prohibitions and restrictions
Sources of information
Criminal courts
Courts and public filings
Forensic analysis
Chemical analysis
Accident and incident reconstruction
Computer forensics
Forensic document examination
Deception detection
Forensic psychology
Other forms of forensic analysis
Undercover investigations defined
When should undercover be used?
When undercover operations are not appropriate
Selecting a vendor
Selecting the undercover operative
Operative placement
Deciding the number of operative to use
The cover story
Project management
Drug investigations
Theft investigations
Case closure.

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