Linked e-resources


A brief look at the Babi and Bahai Faiths as an object of study in nineteenth century Russia and Britain
Baron V. R. Rosen's archive in the Russian Academy of Sciences and this book
From A. G. Tumanski's correspondence with V. R. Rosen
Official reports and private letters of Russian diplomats concerning the Babis/Bahai's
Report by the Russian Charge d'Affaire in Tehran Mr. Zinovyev to Duke Gorchakov
Babis in Adrionople. Report of Chief of the Consulate staff in Adrionople
Information about the Babis presented by Persians living in Adrionople
Information about the Babis by Yunus Mehdi Effendi, the qadi in Adrianople
Report of the Russian Consul General in Adharbayjan Bezobrazov
Anonymous diplomatic dispatch concerning an episode in Isfahan
From G. Batyushkov's correspondence with V. R. Rosen
From V. I. Ignatyev's correspondence with V. R. Rosen
Sebastian Voirot's correspondence with V. R. Rosen
Some separate transcripts in V. R. Rosen's archive
From E. G. Browne's correspondence with Rosen
I. Khayrulláh's letter to V. R. Rosen
Abul-Fazl Gulpáygání's transcript.

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