Linked e-resources


Epidemiology / Julianne Myers, Alison Presmanes Hill, Katharine Zuckerman, and Eric Fombonne
Genomics and epigenomics / Fereydoun Hormozdiari, Megan Y. Dennis, and Janine M. LaSalle
Environmental toxicity and immune dysregulation / Judy van der Water, Isaac N. Pessah
Psychiatric assessment and treatment / Casara Jean Ferretti M.S., Bonnie P. Taylor, Jacqueline Shinall, Eric Hollander
Pediatric and neurological assessment and targeted treatments / Andrew Ligsay, Jennifer M Bain, Jeremy Veenstra-Vanderweele, Randi Hagerman
Cognitive assessment / Marianne Barton, Julia Chen, Cara Cordeaux, and Deborah Fein
Behavioral treatment / MacDonald, R.F., Parry-Cruwys, D., & Peterson, P.
The developmental, individual difference, relationship based model for assessment and intervention (the DIR model) / Serena Wieder and Gilbert Foley
Autism interventions in schools / Christina Kang Toolan and Connie Kasari
Language, communication and occupational therapy interventions / Leonard Abbeduto, Laura Greiss Hess, Julia Wilbarger, Andrea McDuffie
Complementary and integrative approaches / Robert L Hendren, Felicia Widjaja, Brittany Lawton
Transcranial magnetic stimulation and non-invasive brain stimulation / Peter G. Enticott, Stefano Pallanti, Eric Hollander.

