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Part I. International trade theory. Chapter 1. The basics of a market: supply and demand and equilibrium ; Chapter 2. The basis for trade: absolute advantage and comparative advantage ; Chapter 3. New trade theories: economies of scale, product differentiation, and intra-industry trade
Part II. International trade policy. Chapter 4. Trade policy instruments: tariffs, quotas, subsidies ; Chapter 5. Arguments for protection and the political economy of trade policy ; Chapter 6. The world trade organization, international trade relations and issues
Part III. International finance. Chapter 7. An introduction to open economy macroeconomics and the balance of payments ; Chapter 8. The foreign exchange market ;- Chapter 9. The determination of the exchange rate
Part IV. Macroeconomic policies in an open economy. Chapter 10. Aggregate demand, aggregate supply, output, and exchange rates ; Chapter 11. A brief history of international monetary systems ; Chapter 12. International banking and international capital markets ; Chapter 13. Epilogue.

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