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Intro; Foreword; Preface; References; Acknowledgements; Contents; About the Editors; Psychosocial Safety Climate: Evolution in Theory and Method; 1 Psychosocial Safety Climate: A New Work Stress Theory and Implications for Method; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Cost of Mental Ill-Health and Work Stress; 1.2.1 Work Stress; 1.3 Broader Perspectives on Work Stress; 1.3.1 Capitalism and Marxism; 1.3.2 Psychosocial Safety Climate; 1.4 Job Design Theories of Work Stress; 1.4.1 The Job Demand-Control (JD-C) Model; 1.4.2 The Effort-Reward Imbalance Model

1.4.3 The Demand-Induced Strain Compensation (DISC) Model1.4.4 The Job Demands-Resources Model; 1.5 Overall Evaluation of Work Stress Theories; 1.6 Psychosocial Safety Climate Theory (Extant Gaps and New Propositions); 1.7 Concluding Remarks on the Universal Importance of PSC; 1.8 Conclusion; References; 2 Psychosocial Safety Climate: A Review of the Evidence; 2.1 Development of PSC Tool and Theoretical Framework; 2.2 PSC: Cross Cultural Application; 2.3 PSC: Predicting and Moderating Functions; 2.4 PSC: Two Edited Books Provide Additional Evidence; 2.5 PSC Benchmarks and Interventions

2.6 PSC Across the Asia Pacific Region2.7 PSC: A Global Research Agenda; 2.8 PSC and Policy Implications; 2.9 PSC Strength; 2.10 PSC: Mindfulness, Enactment, and Depression; 2.11 PSC: Circulatory Diseases and Work Life Interference; 2.12 PSC Meta-Analyses; 2.13 PSC: Influence on Psychological Need Thwarting; 2.14 PSC in the Healthcare Industry; 2.15 Interventions that Change PSC; 2.16 Future Research Challenges; References; 3 A Corruption of Public Values at Work; Psychosocial Safety Climate, Work Conditions, and Worker Health Across 31 European Countries; 3.1 Introduction

3.1.1 Psychosocial Safety Climate and Ethical Leadership3.1.2 A Corruption of Societal Values Related to PSC; 3.1.3 Psychosocial Safety Climate Related to Work Conditions, Health and Well-Being; 3.1.4 Corrupt Public Values, PSC, Work Conditions and Worker Health and Well-Being; 3.2 Method; 3.2.1 Study Databases; 3.2.2 Measures; 3.3 Statistical Analyses; 3.4 Results; 3.4.1 Descriptive Statistics; 3.5 Discussion; 3.5.1 Theoretical Implications; 3.5.2 Practical Implications; 3.5.3 Limitations and Future Research; 3.6 Conclusion; References

Impacts of PSC on Workers (Cognitive Decline, Mental Health Problems, Boredom, Personal Initiative and Engagement)4 PSC, Effort-Reward Imbalance and Cognitive Decline; A Road Safety Experiment; 4.1 Work Stress; 4.2 Change Detection; 4.3 Method; 4.3.1 Participants; 4.4 Measures; 4.4.1 Demographic Information; 4.4.2 Effort Reward Imbalance; 4.4.3 Psychosocial Safety Climate; 4.4.4 Change Detection; 4.4.5 Design; 4.4.6 Procedure; 4.5 Statistical Approach; 4.6 Results; 4.6.1 Participant Demographics; 4.7 Change Detection Ability; 4.7.1 Direct Effects; 4.7.2 Interaction Effects; 4.8 Discussion

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