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Intro; Organization; Program Chairs; Contents; About the Editors; Introduction; References; Part I The Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education (EDGE) Program; The EDGE Program: 20 Years and Counting; 1 EDGE: A Multi-Faceted Mentoring Program; 2 EDGE Summer Session: A Program That Makes a Difference; 3 EDGE Women Become Mathematicians and Leaders; 3.1 Diverse Careers of EDGE Alumnae; 4 Recognition of Excellence; 5 Planning for the Future of EDGE; References; EDGE Through the Years

Twenty Years of Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education from the Perspectives of Five Dynamic Women Who Have Led the Program1 In the Early Years a Partnership is Born: Sylvia Bozeman and Rhonda Hughes; 2 The Development of the EDGE Program: Key Ingredients for Success; 3 The Early Years of the EDGE Program; 4 The "Baltimore 10" Help the Co-Founders Make Key Decisions on the Future of EDGE; 5 Who are the EDGE Co-Founders?; 6 The Glue: Ulrica and Ami, Intentional Choices and Long-Term Commitment; 7 Transition in Power: Passing the Torch to Ami and Ulrica

8 The Impact of EDGE on Its Participants After the Summer Program9 A New Era Begins When an EDGEr Becomes a Co-Director; 10 EDGE's Contributions to the Mathematics Community; 11 EDGE's Impact on Its Co-Founders and Co-Directors; Second-Generation Programs: The Far-Reaching Impact of EDGE; 1 Activities for Girls (K-12); 2 Seminars/Classroom Activities/Research Opportunities/Conferences for Undergraduates; 3 Conferences and Programs for Graduate Students and Professional Mathematicians; 4 Organization of Research Sessions at National Meetings; 5 Establishing Networks

6 Public Awareness of Mathematics or Increasing Diversity in Mathematics7 Other; Difficult Dialogues in the Midwest: A Retrospective on the Impact of EDGE at Purdue University; 1 Introduction; 2 Reflections from Edray Goins and Alejandra Alvarado, Local Organizers; 3 Reflections from Donatella Danielli, Mentoring Leader; 4 Reflections from Rachel Davis, Short Course Instructor; 5 Reflections from Zenephia Evans, "Difficult Dialogues'' Leader; 6 Concluding Remarks from Edray and Alejandra; References; The Long-Lasting Impact of EDGE: Testimonials from the EDGE Community

Part II Mathematics Inclusivity and Outreach WorkAcademic Preparation for Business, Industry,and Government Positions; 1 Introduction; 2 Programs Supporting Interest in Business, Industry, or Government Positions; 3 Preparing Students for Careers in Business, Industry, or Government; 4 Advice for Mathematicians Interested in Careers in Business, Industry, or Government; References; Striking the Right Chord: Math Circles Promote (Joyous) Professional Growth; 1 Introduction; 1.1 What Is a Math Circle?; 1.2 The Authors: Our Backgrounds and Motivation; 2 Promoting Active Learning

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