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Introductions. I am because we are-twenty years on / Fred Lee Hord, Jonathan Scott Lee
"I am because we are" : an introduction to Black philosophy / Fred Lee Hord, Jonathan Scott Lee
Africa. The declarations of innocence
The teachings of Ptahhotep
An interview with H. Odera Oruka / Paul Mbuya Akoko
Negritude : a humanism of the twentieth century / Léopold Sédar Senghor
Consciencism / Kwame Nkrumah
Ujamaa-the basis of African socialism / Julius K. Nyerere
Identity and dignity in the context of the national liberation struggle / Amilcar Cabral
White racism and Black consciousness / Steve Biko
from Myth, literature, and the African world / Wole Soyinka
Feminism and revolution / Awa Thiam
We are committed to building a single nation in our country / Nelson Mandela
Person and community : in defense of moderate communitarianism / Kwame Gyekye
(Re)constituting the cosmology and sociocultural institutions of Òyó-Yorùbá : articulating the Yorùbá world-sense / Oyeronke Oyewùmi
The Caribbean. Africa for the Africans / Marcus Garvey
The future as I see it / Marcus Garvey
The awakening of race consciousness among Black students / Paulette Nardal
The West Indian middle classes / C.L.R. James
From discourse on colonialism / Aimé Césaire
Racism and culture / Frantz Fanon
Black power, a basic understanding / Walter Rodney
The shadow of the whip : a comment on male-female relations in the Caribbean / Merle Hodge
from The racial contract / Charles W. Mills
The general character of Afro-Caribbean philosophy / Paget Henry
On how we mistook the map for the territory, and reimprisoned ourselves in our unbearable wrongness of being, of Desêtre : Black studies toward the human project / Sylvia Wynter
Reasoning in Black : Africana philosophy under the weight of misguided reason / Lewis R. Gordon
North America. Oration, delivered in Corinthian Hall, Rochester, July 5, 1852 / Frederick Douglass
The relations and duties of free colored men in America to Africa / Alexander Crummell
Womanhood : a vital element in the regeneration and progress of a race / Anna Julia Cooper
The Atlanta exposition address / Booker T. Washington
Does race antipathy serve any good purpose? / W.E.B. Du Bois
On being ashamed of oneself : an essay on race pride / W.E.B. Du Bois
The concept of race / W.E.B. Du Bois
The new Negro / Alain Locke
Speech on "Black Revolution" (New York, April 8, 1964) / Malcolm X
Black power / Martin Luther King Jr
Rootedness : the ancestor as foundation / Toni Morrison
Radical perspectives on the empowerment of Afro-American women : lessons for the 1980s / Angela Y. Davis
Philosophy, ethnicity, and race / Lucius Outlaw
Feminism : a transformational politic / bell hooks
Learning to talk of race / Cornel West
The Black underclass and Black philosophers / Cornel West
Black solidarity after Black power / Tommie Shelby
The eschatological dilemma : the problem of studying the Black male only as the deaths that result from Anti-Black racism / Tommy J. Curry.

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